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0.0 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 89.8 uur in totaal (70.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 25 jul 2016 om 15:37

Fantastic game and one of the best implementations of co-op I've ever seen.

Works in 21:9 and has good lookin graphics.

Two complaints:
1. I hate hate hate the jump off the wall mechanic. I've died so many times because instead of grabbing onto the ledge, my guy just pushes off the wall and turns around. I've never wanted to use this stupid skill and wish I could turn it off.

2. The ending is terrible. I don't like the button mash ending whatsoever and find the whole scene cheesy.

Other than that it's two thumbs up from me.
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