Mister Nugger   United States
certified weetahd


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Naposledy hráno 22. zář.
burp snart fugma ass 21. čvc. 2022 v 12.40 
wemme itch youw nutsie wutsies :3
S0jo 14. srp. 2021 v 2.11 
this is dad
🧴 Rivka ß 20. čvn. 2020 v 14.04 
Elvis said he passed his a levels and then his father drove him here in a car. 🗣️ 👤 👥 👤 🗣️
Bogdan 23. dub. 2020 v 10.48 
Hey N!gga, I've played stardew valley against you recently and I'd like to invite you in our team. Here's my main account, add me please . We're planning to compete in some jerk off competitions, I think we have good chances with you especially :)
D4C 24. bře. 2020 v 7.24 
Simp awewt Simp awewt Simp awewt exit the faciwity and abandon aww unnecessawy objects behind this is not a dwiww again this is not a dwiww thweat wevew 5 code wed abandon faciwity this is not a dwiww
Dr Dick Hammerbush 24. zář. 2019 v 22.11 