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Senaste recensioner av Jay <3

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1.2 timmar totalt
Although I see a lot of praise on the store, I think this game is a good concept executed poorly -- there is simply too little depth to the game to justify any price but free, and even then, it's a lackluster experience.

CAPSULE is a slightly scary experience for the first five minutes until you know what the game has to throw at you. After that, it just gets boring -- the game will probably take you over an hour to complete. Much of your experience will consist of listening to breathing sounds and slowly moving away from pixels with simple chase AI. It won't be worth it, even if you got it for free.
Upplagd 4 februari 2022.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2,534.8 timmar totalt (2,465.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Fantastic game, but lack of consistent updates hurt the community.
Upplagd 26 december 2019.
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5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
71.5 timmar totalt (69.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
I really want to like this game, but the following has shaken my faith in both the Paladins and Hi-Rez, the company that makes it:
  • Plans to make the game more P2W (Battlefront II-style)
  • Consistently lower the time to kill and skill cap with each update (damage boosts, mobility nerfs)
  • Predatory lootbox system
  • Company has a blatant disregard for community feedback
  • Adding low-quality content instead of balancing and bugfixes (not a good sign for a game in beta)
  • Recent additions of bland and poorly tested characters
  • Low-quality (recolor) skins
  • Cash-grab tactics such as multiple premium currencies, rental skins, etc

Stay away from Hi-Rez games, as they have a history of ruining their games and pissing off their communities by saturating their games with low-quality content to maximize short-term profits before abandoning them. (See: Current state of Paladins, Tribes: Ascend, Global Agenda).
Upplagd 7 december 2017.
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0.1 timmar totalt
Absolutely terrible in almost every way possible.
Upplagd 20 juni 2017.
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7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1.4 timmar totalt
An interesting text-based game. While the phrasing can be a little awkward at times ("You are a mid-twenties human being"), it's a good read if you have around half an hour. I'd say give it a go.

Some of the criticism of this game is valid:
If you don't like reading, this game is not for you. The way depression is portrayed is a little simplistic, and characters seem a little too supportive at times, which is usually not the case in reality. The cross-off mechanic that prevents you from accessing certain options seems restrictive. At least in my experience, depression doesn't really work like that. It might be interesting to try to attempt something unreasonable and be worse off for it. Also, having a depression indicator is a little on-the-nose; players should be able to judge for themselves. The UI could also be a little more interesting in general.

On the other hand:
Despite what I said earlier, the game does an okay of job of portraying the battle with depression. The characters are very supportive and the game encourages looking for professional help and reaching out to those who care, which is good advice. It's not too long, it's free, and provides an interesting insight into depression, if nothing else.

Some of the other criticism is very unfair. It really isn't the "worst thing ever" as some seem to be making it out to be. It's not that fun, but neither is dealing with depression. Since it's not too long, I'd suggest playing it before jumping to conclusions.
Upplagd 5 mars 2017.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
29.1 timmar totalt (16.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
More addicting than crack

More addicting than crack
Upplagd 26 mars 2016.
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6.8 timmar totalt (6.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Entertaining stories, good music, and atmosphere, but gameplay is a bit slow and unforgiving.
Upplagd 10 december 2015.
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