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2 people found this review helpful
12.4 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
Crashes when I load my character :( Its a great game when it works but after last updated in May
it just keeps throwing Fatal Error
Posted May 26.
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53.1 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
When it gets going its great... NPCs in the starting village are threatening in large groups and mainly get me when they absolutely bum rush flank from all sides especially in the market. Not sure if the npcs else where are different yet, so sofar just gangers, with some more experienced in between.

I love the fact that it has PVE mode out of the box, which I enjoy more of. Definitely aa great game to get into with a few squads of friends

They seem to have a bit... odd hit reg. Sometimes they die one tap, sometimes they die after emptying a few mags. I don't think someone without any plate should be taking a mag of a rifle.

ADSing also feels... awkward without any zoom. Even Arma had some zoom. The npcs can hit way more accurately at a distance than me on a 1440p.

Oddly enough European servers were way, WAY more laggier for me than playing on US.

My main issue that earns the game its not recommended state, and something that definitely is solveable
"Negative, All Birds are currently dispatched"

Please, Implement a Queue. Make the queue so that if you leave it (die/abort) you get a cooldown dependent on the distance reserved before you can queue again). The aborted slot stays empty to keep timers consistant and cannot be taken over by anyone. Before confirming a call, give a timer before the helicopter will get around.

You know where the players are going, how long its gonna take. Everything is hard timed; Allow us to jump on helicopters with squads that are not full, as well as give info on where a helicopter is going to as they are landing on the base. That way you dont have 4 soloers waiting for 4 separate helicopters going to Alpha sites.
Posted May 9. Last edited May 9.
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5.6 hrs on record (5.5 hrs at review time)
Keeps crashing when i try to join my friends. Couldn't even open task manager.
Doesn't seem to work as well it used to.
Posted May 8.
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3 people found this review helpful
1,622.8 hrs on record
Kickstarted this worn out gem back awhile ago and participated in its Premium Beta.

I've received all of the expansions for free as I am a Founder; Hopefully also in the future, if the game has any future left that is.

The game unfortunately has been squandered. So much promise in it; but frontier was a bit too stuck in its ways to address the community's concerns about grind. Combat was one of the few things I liked, including even the short lived CQC mode (which unfortunately they never got around to making bots for while waiting for more players),

However, I am not particularly a fan of the direction it is starting to take pages from Star Citizen and preselling ship access before the ships them selves are out. Premade ships are not a problem, as folks do deserve a method to catch up to us vets; but I do have huge concerns about -why- they are doing it now. Are the running out of money to start taking such drastic measures? idk.

They left the game in a state of Thargoids for the last half a decade without much else going on; Engineering stayed as grindy as ever, and even more so with the odyssey weapons/armor, and barely got any adjustments outside of one; and Trading was just very rudimentary supply and demand without any nuance to it: Why isn't oversupply causing prices to plummet more, or spike if demand has not been met for a good months? Economies simply spike depending on the system state, not goods. It just feels like everything is stationary.

I tried getting into AX Warfare, but it just... felt more of the same and moved off it.

Odyssey was half-baked and then its UI changes were brought into the game were obnoxiously wastes of space infavor of hiding information behind even more button presses, completely sidelining VR users with its FPS modes or even when interacting with the Fleet Carrier.

Fleet Carriers were squandered to be just money sinks for vets. Mine still probably will keep ticking in the background probably until frontier shuts down the servers, as I've saved up that much cash in it. The player economy is just in absolute shambles.

Not sure if i will booth up the game again tho, unless some friends ask me to help with them something.

The base game is great, if it does sound interesting grab it on baseline discount price, play for as long as you can; However do not plan to put too much hours into it like I have (I have more overall than on steam because I played this off steam as well) because I am not confident Frontier is gonna stay around with these recent drastic measures feeling like a desperation move.
Posted May 8.
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2 people found this review helpful
41.5 hrs on record (30.7 hrs at review time)
On May 10th sony Added Baltics to the List of Nations that cannot purchase Helldivers 2. They Also did the same with Other titles that have a "optional" PSN connectivity. So Regardless what they said in their Post on April 30th and the Subsequent Edit, we have not yet seen Sony actually -do- anything other than resind their plans

Infact this edit was done of a Friday, on a bank holiday. On classical media its the time you want stories to be buried.

While they clearly cancelled the PSN Linking of what they were about to do at the end of the month,
But the fight is not over yet, There are no guarantees of it happening in later in the future, once the momentum and population is down for the game.

We Dive Together or not at all.
Posted May 3. Last edited May 10.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
For its current price and state? Fun little 1.5-2 hour romp.

Needs quite a bit more time in the oven so to speak.
It is a solid arcade vr shooter, I really like to tongue in cheek humor.

Some of the puzzles were a bit repetitive (go around a corner to pull a distant lever with the magnetic gloves)
It does require a lot more polishing on gun play definitely. Hopefully they come something more will come of it later, if they continue this line.

Gunplay is a bit eh... I ended up just dual wielding everything because two handed weapons alignment was just a pain on my index compared to all the other VR games I played, so even with the massive inaccuracy penalties i just double handed everything. The devs ARE going to be implementing a holster system, but was surprised I did not have any from the start. It just ended up with my mostly going around with a pistol.

There are also some sequence breaks some can do with, forexample the ending sequence with the elevator, or levers that are clipped with geometry making it seem as if one cannot progress, even if the lever is hidden in geometry. Things that can definitely be solved; so check this out in half a year.
Posted March 9.
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32.7 hrs on record
For 30€ the Journey is worth it. I really digged the exploration aspect to it. Do not expect anything to be chasing you to kill you, but think of it just phenomena that will put you into situations you do not want to be in that may get you killed: There is a lot of see, and alot of weird anomalies that will damage your car.

You will have to maintain the damage on the car, and the main mechanic comes around to swapping parts that need repairing with fresh parts and continuously cycling through parts with ones repair furniture. This saves a lot on materials: So a new players priority would be 1 Get more storage for parts, and 2 get more raw materials for spare parts.

After about 30 hours of play, I think I at-least covered 80% of the things to see, and will someday return to complete my log book fully. The first starting hours are a bit of a slog, as you have a mission to complete and gives you infinite amount of time to complete them. Some may take this as a mistake that every single run is gonna be like that.... Its not. Zones can remain stable anywhere between 5-15 minutes or be infinitely stable. But if starting out, do reserve 2 hours at-least for the initial bump. After that its a lot faster.

Sometimes you may want to just keep moving through a junction just to survive to your final destination; but that's the game, its the Journey to somewhere. The game saves between Junctions but you cant really save a run unless you have passed a threshold to another junction or returned to the base.

The story falls a bit flat by the end of it (felt a bit rushed, there was no build up to the resolutions on reasons for some of the main characters, and the ending walking flashback sequence felt off and drawn out), but otherwise a solid game and I enjoyed my time with it. Customization is quite good. I would have loved to have some ability to clone some of the stuff, as quite alot of the paint/vinyl cosmetics are very transitional and will be gone as soon as one swaps the parts. There is a very minor gripe about some of the free stickers included from the get go when unlocking customization that feel abit out of time for something supposively set in the 1999's (alternative) timeline, but eh, accuracy goes out of the window what ever there is scifi stuff weird ♥♥♥♥ with zone anyway, and representation matters to some folks alot.

The quirk system also felt a bit off, since I barely every had anything but some very specific quirks with my car that i kept of repeatedly repairing out. Not sure if subsequent runs will solve this issue, but I never hard quirks that removed parts of my car forexample. Usually it was just my wiper causing the lights to toggle when going right among other "annoyances".
Posted March 9.
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2 people found this review helpful
159.3 hrs on record
Not Cool Capcom. I played this heavily on my steamdeck, and couldnt play it anymore for while due to you retroactively adding another DRM.

Sure you fixed it, but you keep doing this. Remove the DRM.

If this DRM is also in DD2, I wont buy it.
Posted January 22. Last edited January 27.
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5 people found this review helpful
81.5 hrs on record
A Bethesda game as expected, no more no less. Come back after a few GOTY revisions. I got this for free due to AMD offerings when I decided to Upgrade my GPU for the future, but I wouldnt recommend buying it until its had more time in the oven.

The game borrows ALOT from No Man Sky in my opinion and tried to apply a nice coat of paint and effort to make it look nice. Unfortunately, the "copied homework" starts showing its ugly head as you dig further into layers of game and eventually the post game,

Exploration ends up in planets that look the same with similar fauna or flora, especially across the 1000 of planets, with some variants in landmarks. At-least the game makes it easier to find scannables and points out what biome is around the area you are landing. They Probably they didnt say millions of stars and limited the scope, because you run into seeing, forexample the same "giant killer grasshopper with a sunflower" with a color pallet swap across a few dozen different planets.

Atleast the Side quests, Factions Quests and some Quests you encounter along the way are somewhat interesting, including some "very inspired" quest lines, but thats par for the course for Bethesda games, so it is expected.

Has interesting ideas on NG+ and beyond but its not enough to keep me interested (as not much into ng+ padding) and they do not go anywhere aside from some small gags here and there. Needs a lot more quality of Life updates before I dig into doing a NG+*infinite runs.

Busy work relegated to rng locations, ala fallout 4 settlements, but this time with any objective; Granted less annoyingly done and more akin the random missions in NMS or ED.

Game gets ridiculously easy after you level up and found your fav gear, to the point that you can just empty a mag and down a supposed bossfights laughably fast.... alot faster than I recall in other Bethesda games... That is outside of the space combat.

Speaking of Space combat, dont buy it this for space sim aspect. Its just a means of traveling from point A to point B, and is all shortcutted by fast travelling/custscenes. Flight is just done in some closed areas, while your ship handles like a whale, even with max piloting.

There is quite a few set pieces that can be fairly rough piloting through, but still doable (looking at you SysDef/Fleet storyline) but those wihtout any points in, say piloting or space ship engineering may suffer greatly.

By the end I was probably burnt as I didnt bother picking up anything, and had gained a few million in the bank doing nearly all the faction missions. Ill save Ryujin faction for another play through some day down the line, but not right now. The UI just drives me nuts and the unskippable cutscenes if you forget the fast travel through the map instead of using the ship.

Get this if you really enjoy Bethesda games, its great, but otherwise, I cannot recommend it in its current pricing. Id wait for atleast 20% discount.
Posted September 27, 2023. Last edited September 27, 2023.
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11 people found this review helpful
26.3 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its like Hell Divers met FTL, Deep Rock Galactic, Sea of Thieves, Barotrauma, and Pulsar. Its not an RPG however, like Pulsar. Very much reminiscent of Warframe's Railjack format, but slow and more bullet hell and much more intriguing ship maintenance.

It has quite a bit of Early Access jank, It is Messy, Its a Blast with upto 3 other friends. I have not quite yet tried it with randoms, but I just might try sometime later. Duos is absolutely doable, but at the start its a bit of a pain while learning everything. I can ONLY recommend this if you have someone else to play with that you can trust and coordinate with.

Do not expect 6DOF space flight as it has been simplified to just 4DOF as there is no pitch and roll for both the ship and when in EVA. While there is mild pitching when vertically maneuvering the ship, I do not count that. Atleast can turn, vertically and horizontally thrust and move backwards and forwards.

It is Purely PvE coop. but it is also very much NOT soloable in its current state. You can join randoms, but not all folks are into that. So do not grab this for playing solo.

Missions always start on a fresh ship loadout you selected at the start of the game, which that you equip as you go deeper into your objectives. Some missions are simple done and deal things, while others have multiple objectives all around the system.

You build the ship up with stuff you can use to craft equipment over the time with your crew. No one has personal weapons , and its all just about the ship to ship combat.

It has very simple away-missions where someone goes out and digs around a station for parts, or repairs something aboard the station.

Missions seem to vary from going into repair a station to trigger a something, to destroying various types of objectives, defending stationary npc assets (that are fairly good defending them selves too), to a smash and grab heist on a station where you have to find specific objects before the guard ships arrive. All missions are also varied with environmental effects that can cause engineering headaches from maintain life support, to running around the ship repairing, to shouting at people to turn off stuff as "She canna take any more!"

Rewards for all the missions are simply cosmetics and Exp and could be honestly improved.

Exp levels your account and gives you access to other ship layouts and more equipment you can craft in missions. This also gives you perk/gene points that give you more points into a skill tree.

Here is a footage of slice of a session with me being the pilot on a fully manned frigate
Posted September 9, 2023. Last edited September 9, 2023.
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