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Reach the altar on Initiate's Island.

Mastery of Rollers and Bombs

Solve every puzzle on Initiate's Island.

Buckets and Bean Switches

Reach the altar on the Island of Buckets.

Mastery of Buckets

Solve every puzzle on the Island of Buckets.

Clouds and Forcefields

Reach the altar on the Island of Clouds.

Mastery of Clouds

Solve every puzzle on the Island of Clouds.


Reach the altar on the Island of Vines.

Mastery of Vines

Solve every puzzle on the Island of Vines.


Reach the altar on the Island of Ice.

Mastery of Ice

Solve every puzzle on the Island of Ice.


Reach the altar on the Island of Blobs.

Mastery of Blobs

Solve every puzzle on the Island of Blobs.

The Eichinger-Kuroyama Creature

Reach the altar on the Island of the Eichinger-Kuroyama Creature.

Mastery of the Eichinger-Kuroyama Creature

Solve every puzzle on the Island of the Eichinger-Kuroyama Creature.


Reach the altar on the Island of Petals.

Mastery of Petals

Solve every puzzle on the Island of Petals.


Escape the temple.


Find out what happened to the academics.

Bean Mastery

Solve every puzzle.

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