
Recensioni recenti di L7vanmatre

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I love these sweet babies
Pubblicata in data 22 aprile.
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18.3 ore in totale (2.3 ore al momento della recensione)
If you're wanting the broken Origin version, you're coming to the right place.

Community mods give you online and modernized fixes so you can have stuff like higher FPS (in online matches) and widescreen support.

But you have to buy the entire frigging collection which includes giving any degree of money towards Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight.

So it's up to your discretion. You won't really be getting anything extra if you already have the disc other than potentially easier to follow certain online guides and being much easier to uninstall and reinstall. (On top of all the Steam features that come with it, which I will admit is really nice.)
Pubblicata in data 4 aprile. Ultima modifica in data 6 aprile.
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110.0 ore in totale (41.0 ore al momento della recensione)
My name is Kasuga Ichiban and this is the Ichiban game on Steam.
Pubblicata in data 31 gennaio.
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6.9 ore in totale (0.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Truly a masterpiece. I played the original when it came out, for the PS4.

Thing is, I'd say that masterpieces don't appeal to the lowest common denominator. Not everyone's going to like it. And that's okay.

I don't really know how to explain who would like it, is the thing. A lot of stuff about the game that I liked I'd consider a spoiler.

I don't know, it's really hard to elaborate, at least for me. Definitely a great game. That's all I can say for this one.
Pubblicata in data 29 dicembre 2023.
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It's a Unity asset flip (or at the very least, has the spirit of one...), so if you dislike those, you don't really want to waste your time.

CoD regenerative health HIGHLY decreases any potential fun this could've had. The AI is extremely bad. It has that "Physics everything" that comes typical with Unity asset flips, and not in a particularly fun or useful way.

What makes/made Payday fun is the pressure the police put on you. The game being balanced to where you can usually just survive in the beginning, but you only have a small amount of resources to where you need to make decisions and try not to be too greedy.

There's a constant, steady flow of cops with easy amounts of ammo being given back to you. There's no real intentional amounts of balance here, most things just feel arbitrarily thrown in. There's some ideas that could be decent, but really needed to be given some time and polish.

And that's why I think this game has the spirit of Unity asset flip. There's usually very little polish when it comes to those types of game, and this one's no exception.

A little bit of extra animation, camera effects, etc. to make things feel like they have impact would really go a long way.
Pubblicata in data 22 dicembre 2023.
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15.7 ore in totale (10.9 ore al momento della recensione)
Well... It's MGS2 for PC. I've read a lot of talk online about how it's "just a lazily made, bad emulation" but while there's definitely a lot of shortcomings about this port (that I do think is likely a lot of issues come from laziness), that's not true. It's truly a port.

Unfortunately, it's not an updated version of the PC version that was available on GOG. (MGS1 and MGS2 actually did come out for PC, but wasn't super popular back then. It's difficult to play those versions of the game nowadays due to version differences. This would've been an awesome way to bring it back, but unfortunately they didn't go that route for whatever reason.)

It's mainly just a port of the MGS2 HD version (It doesn't even try to hide it... When starting the game, the loading screen still says "HD Collection"...) for Xbox, but ported and made to be cross-compatible with PS4/5, XBone/Series, and PC. This will be a bit of an awkward position for if you're familiar with the original PS2/3 versions of this game, as there are certain pressure-sensitive controls that are missing from modern controllers that this game has been made to accommodate that. The main difference is that if you wish to hold up your gun without firing when releasing the button, you'll be pressing L3 instead. The game will tell you the rest of what's different in tooltips.

That said, you'll definitely want to get some mods if you want to even have a 1080p experience. Yeah, the game, even after several updates, still doesn't output in any resolution past 720p. I'd recommend to follow this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097822138 I never personally had any issue with the game's audio so I didn't install the audio mods, personally.

If you're a Linux player, you'll need to follow some extra instructions to make the game be at least playable to the finish. (In-game videos just don't work right, but the relevant fixes will at least prevent crashes, so stuff like projections, mini-demonstration videos, etc. will be warped beyond recognition, but they're not really needed to know what's going on nor is the experienced "diminished" at least in my opinion. But this is coming from someone who has played the MGS series since he was a child, so take that opinion with a grain of salt.) Here is the relevant guide for that: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3067591964

As someone who has played this on the PS3 emulator, I can definitely say this is the better experience, especially with mods. On the PS3 emulator, there's parts of the game that just does not run correctly, shadows would have issues, and certain parts of the game would run extremely slow. As well as the game is difficult to mod in general. As a port, it's a lot easier to mod the game.

All that said, this game is pretty much the same as the MGS2 HD Version, but ported to PC. It's up to you to see if the drawbacks are worth the price. As someone who grew up playing the MGS series and is nowadays primarily a PC user, this is definitely, at least in my opinion, the best way to have the MGS2 experience. Though again, I think it could've been better if they really wanted to. Perhaps some time in the future they'll make an update addressing various issues that the mods have fixed, but until then, at least the community fixed it. Not any excuse towards the company though, so again, it's up to you on if you want to support the company for this.
Pubblicata in data 20 dicembre 2023.
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52.5 ore in totale (48.0 ore al momento della recensione)
Are you highly familiar with and have experienced Kiryu's story in the previous games?
Do you like Lost Judgment?
Do you like the Yakuza series mainly for all of its side content?

If you said yes to at least two questions, you'll probably really love this game. A well-deserved "Overwhelmingly Positive".
Pubblicata in data 20 novembre 2023.
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7.1 ore in totale (0.6 ore al momento della recensione)
I'm saying "recommended" but with a huge "caution" on it.

If you've been hearing that the "Master Collection" was a lazy port, if you can even call it a port, you would be correct. Lack of 360 analog stick controls when the OG game actually had it is a pretty big indicator of this (but is also not the end of the world, but just goes to show the absolute lack of effort they put into it). There was an official PC port in the past for MGS1 and MGS2, but they decided to not even try to update those in any way and instead just do what seems to be an emulation. So with purchasing MGS1 Master Ver., you'd be purchasing mainly a lighter conscience, some extra stuff like a book full of cool details or secrets, and a few songs from the game's soundtrack. I believe some control differences should reflect your selected controller as well, so that makes it a little less confusing if you're solely an Xbox user or such. The game also gives virtual memory card that you can inject fake save data that allows certain easter eggs to happen that'd normally be a bit annoying to do with an emulator.

So it's not outright a .iso file plugged into an emulator, there's some degree of work gone into it and things done with it and things preset. For some, that's worth the price because they don't wanna put in the half-hour it takes to get an unlucky emulator to work. It's not a super large difference, but it's something worth mentioning at least.

This game will be different from the rest in the collection in that you use O (or B if you're Xbox) to select menu items and X (A if Xbox) to cancel. People seem to be considering this a laziness thing, but it's actually a design choice; MGS1 is kinda stuck like that in controls, so it's staying congruent with the game. Yes, they should've updated the game itself to be more "modern-friendly" (in reality it's moreso regional differences that MGS didn't respect until MGS4), but they should've also done a lot more as well. A little bit of options menu would've gone a long way in making people happier. Speaking of options menu, there is none for audio changes or anything, so have fun using your system default sliders when you need to alt+tab to use them, and then trying to fullscreen afterwards.

But it's not all bad. If you're a huge fan of the series, the master and screenplay books are genuinely interesting reads (major spoilers for literally the entire series in each of them though, so don't read them if you're wanting to go into the games for the story and haven't been spoiled thus far). And the game is still very playable. People might be looking back with rose-tinted glasses when they mention the PS3, but this game had extra input lag on the PS3 with an HDMI cable. Final boss was way harder than it should've been due to that. In theory, this one shouldn't have it, but I haven't rigorously tested it either. Just don't expect 60FPS upgrade, it's at 30FPS and there's definitely noticeable input lag, but it's input lag that can get used to. I haven't personally noticed the game running "terribly" like some might have said, but your mileage may vary.

I'm sure there's more accurate info out there, but this is a 3AM review written by someone who has played the series on a PS2/PS3 with a scratched up disk, and later, digital downloaded version, and later, emulators, and find this experience acceptable.

I mean, hey, after all... It's MGS1 on Steam.
Pubblicata in data 25 ottobre 2023. Ultima modifica in data 25 ottobre 2023.
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17.0 ore in totale (10.0 ore al momento della recensione)
Watch your Smash-obsessed friends never win against you and not wanting to play it with you despite those long hours of them bullying you.
Pubblicata in data 23 ottobre 2023.
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0.1 ore in totale
This game gave me chronic diarrhea.
Pubblicata in data 19 ottobre 2023.
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