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310.0 hrs on record (261.9 hrs at review time)
Very fun idle game with nicely balanced progression
Posted November 24, 2021.
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1.2 hrs on record
Great game to play with the kids!
Posted December 28, 2018.
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3,786.8 hrs on record (2,151.7 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
this is only for the steam badge but its a fun game (not solo tho)
Posted November 22, 2017. Last edited November 21, 2018.
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33.3 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
Call of Duty: Basement Warfare is a masterfully crafted commentary on the degradation of society's morals. The main character, Captain Soap Price, callsign Isaac, is on a mission to tackle the deep-rooted fears that all humans have of ungodly things such as poop and basements. Taking a bold step away from a tried and true formula, CoD:BW is no longer a first person shooter. Players do not play as a badass soldier anymore either. In order to connect with the fanbase on a more personal level, the head of Nintendo decided that CoD:BW would place players in the shoes of the average Call of Duty player: a naked child who hates their mother (but ♥♥♥♥♥ mine all the time apparently).
However, what is most surprising about this CoD is the lovely message that the campaign has. By tackling his fears head on, he dies, meaning he can't be afraid anymore.That's some A+ Ernest Hemingway ♥♥♥♥ right there folks. Thanks to Isaac being a mix of Wolverine and Dr. Evil, however, he can try to kill his mother over and over until he succeeds and gets her to listen to his mixtape. This has the not-so-unexpected result of killing his mom again. Seriously ♥♥♥♥ off with your mixtapes.
As you can tell by the pros and cons that I've listed above, this game should be GOTY 2015-2020.

Remember kids, if you throw poop and shoot eyeball sperm at your own mother the Devil spits in God's face.
Posted January 1, 2015. Last edited January 1, 2015.
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2.1 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
As a heterosexual male this is the most fun I've ever had with swinging penises. Disregarding that one time at band camp, of course.

In all seriousness, this is a fun little game to play, and even moreso with friends. The controls are pretty straightforward, and the different game modes are fun and keep the game fresh. The added customization aspects are a nice touch too.

10/10 like vertical QWOP with wieners.
Posted July 29, 2014. Last edited July 29, 2014.
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4 people found this review helpful
10.6 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
10/10 like Oblivion with dragons.
Posted July 21, 2014.
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9 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
As of this review, I've put roughly 6 hours into Bound By Flame.
Base Score: 6/10
Skip to the end if you want a quick summary.

Bound By Flame is a good game, but I personally think that it had the potential to be great. That's not to say you shouldn't at least try/ look into the game. It's a fun game with flaws that make it not so fun sometimes.

As for specifics, the story is a fairly standard "a gigantic evil is approaching and you're the only one that can stop it" plot, but it does have it's fair share of unique twists to seperate it from others. I found myself interested, as the story differentiates itself in ways that I haven't seen before. That's not to say it's some groundbreaking new twist on the fantasy genre, but it didn't particularly remind me of any other game's story too much. The background lore that you can learn of is fairly interesting, but you don't really get to explore any of it. There is a nice variety of quest objectives, so it doesn't feel as if I'm doing the same thing over and over again.

Character creation was also something that was rather disappointing, as there were only about 6 hair options and 4 facial options.

The interactions with your companions are a bit weird and don't really flesh out well. Personally, I felt that it was a less developed version of Dragon Age Origins' companion system.While each companion is vastly different in the way that they talk and act, conversations seem a bit stunted, especially with the less than stellar facial capturing that leads to stiff looking faces. It was pretty annoying that I could only have one companion follow me at a time, but I really only used them for cannon fodder.

The dialogue choices for the most part capture Vulcan's personality, and can be amusing at times. Despite all of my complaints, I found myself liking Vulcan as a character. The voice acting was average.

Your companions themselves suffer from a case of the cliche. Rhelmar is the elf archer, Edwen is the sexy, dark, mysterious witch, Sybil is the innocent and naive scholar/healer, Randval is the badass warrior who is the last of his tribe, and I haven't met Mathras, so I can't pass judgement on him. Spiders definitely did a good job with determining how they react to situations and dialogue options, meaning that you need to watch what you say and how you say it. Based on your words and actions, you could end up losing followers.

The combat is... bland. Playing as a ranger, I found myself in a monotonous playstyle pretty quickly: slash slash dodge repeat. Due to the fighting mechanics being a bit clunky, I found enemies far harder than they should have been. The fact that you don't have a grace period when you're knocked down means that you end up losing a good deal of health whenever you find yourself on the ground. All enemy attacks do crazy balls-to-the-wall amounts of damage, so even with upgraded armor and health I find myself dying after 4 or 5 hits. It's not that the game itself is fundamentally hard, the developers just messed up combat leading to an artificial difficulty. For instance, if you dodge while doing a combo, your character will jump right back into the combo, meaning that you step right into the attack that you tried to dodge. That isn't a problem if you time your dodges just right, but I'm stupid like that, so yeah.

Graphically wise, I find the game okay. I don't usually put too much stock into graphics, so it doesn't really matter to me. BBF isn't a graphical masterpiece, but it's not a bad looking game either. Fairly run of the mill, maybe a bit outdated. The details were pretty impressive for a game coming out of a rather unproven studio though. The Witcher influence is pretty in your face, and I feel like there's a bit of Dragon Age too but that could just be me.

While I mentioned earlier that the character customization was disappointing, the gear customization is not. There are countless upgrades that all have unique looks and unique traits that you can add. Each piece of armor, unless part of a set, looks different and provides a unique feel to your character. The same applies for weapons, which is a welcome change from games that just rehash weapons with different names for you to use.

I did find myself liking the soundtrack, so there's that.

Too Long; Didn't Read=
+The main character's pretty cool, and his personality/dialogue choices change as the game progresses.
+The story, while somewhat cliche, does a good job of investing you and provides enough unique spins to keep it fresh.
+Nice quest variety
+The customization/crafting of armor, weapons and upgrades is vast.
+I like the soundtrack
+Graphics are pretty good, if a bit outdated.
-Choices affect Vulcan, the world around him, and your companions, but not by much.
-Customizing the actual looks of your character is shallow: about 6 hairstyles (can't change the color) and 4 faces
-Combat is clumsy and annoying. It gives enemies a harder feel than necessary.
-Voice acting is meh, stiff facial recognition leads to conversations seeming off.
-Companions are cliche and the "tactical combat" that was a selling point of this game consisted of enemies 3-shotting me and my companions being bad at being cannon fodder.

Honestly, the game looks, feels, and is designed like The Witcher's little brother that tries to emulate him in everything he does but can't.
As a final note, I may have ripped on the game for most of my review, but I enjoy it. It's story is nice, but having to plow through the horrible combat is a HUGE turn off. If the combat was a bit smoother, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes RPGs with a good story arc. As it stands now, however, it's a game focused on combat that didn't get the combat right (The combat is my main problem with the game. If it were better, I'd be able to overlook everything else and enjoy it for what it is). Buy at your own risk.
Posted May 11, 2014. Last edited May 11, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
97.3 hrs on record (49.4 hrs at review time)
I stay strokin to this game.
Posted February 12, 2014.
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5 people found this review helpful
3.0 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
Swaggin right the ♥♥♥♥ out with my boi Bruce Weezy is just way too fun to pass up. You can hit ♥♥♥♥ bruh if that ain't the tightest ♥♥♥♥ you ever heard then get the ♥♥♥♥ out my face and stay turnt down. It's kinda wack that Snape kills Dumbledore but that knobbly kneed ♥♥♥♥♥ deserved it for tryna keep HP down. Overall the game's pretty good, like a 10/10 but could be better.
Posted December 28, 2013.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries