Starry Snöfall System   United States
If you want to add me send me a friend request and write a message on my profile.

(The only reason the lines are above this is so when it embeds in things it stops showing the conversations below.)

dradsose ツ: Hey waffle
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): ey
dradsose ツ: Can i ask u?
dradsose ツ: When ever you get another ring
dradsose ツ: Will you marry me in tf2?
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): no
dradsose ツ: Mk
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): :^)

Xenosaur: I just realized something really terrifying
Xenosaur: Right now, I am literally the most angry I have ever been in my entire life
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): that is not good whatsoever
Xenosaur: I have completely transcended normal anger and entered a state where my rage is so ever present that I am completely calm
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): why are you so angry though
Xenosaur: Remember how I updated my drivers?
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): yeah
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): also side note, I just finished filling all the stuff out for my application
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): and I wrote like 2 emails to 2 different teachers about it as well as I need a recamendation
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): I realize I can't spell, but sorry... you were sayying?
Xenosaur: First, that caused my entire PC to crash. So after that, I tried to play Dark Souls 2 with Eclipse and it refused to even go a single second without crashing. I went and installed an older driver. Dark Souls 2 booted up, except now I was down over FORTY fps from my normal. I was getting only 17 fps tops. I then tried to find my original driver, and while that was mid-installation my entire computer froze and stayed frozen.
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): that sounds... like an enlightening angry experience
Xenosaur: I came back from dinner and it took five minutes too boot up. I successfully reinstalled my old driver and DS2 works fine now. But the residual anger isnt gone.
Xenosaur: I'm mad that I had so much of my time wasted.
Xenosaur: I'm enraged that this entire incident almost cost me my computer.
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): Dude, I would be too.. Honestly I probably wouldn't even be on the computer.. I would be going for a walk or just yelling... Loudly.
Xenosaur: And I'm pissed that it ate up the two hours of free time me and Eclipse WOULD have had if it hadn't happened.
Xenosaur: But anyways, back to what I noticed is scary about me being mad
Xenosaur: I stop cursing.
Xenosaur: I curse constantly, but I stopped when this all happened.
Xenosaur: And it's not even a concious choice.
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): Huh, that is pretty weird... scary even.
Xenosaur: If I wasn't rage incarnate right now I would be laughing about it
Xenosaur: But it actually is disturbingly unsettling when somebody who curses as much as I do stops so suddenly and so wholely.
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): Definitely
lmao he ded
Memoir to Xenos.
Hi, I'm Snö, I'm a "functioning" member of society. My friend Xenos pushed me to do this steam profile and even manged to push me to update it. Dang is he persistent.

My Best Friends


Xenos is pretty chill. Don't get me wrong he can be a ♥♥♥♥♥, but he is still an awesome guy.
Now that's out of the way I wanna say without him none of this profile would have ever even existed. He got me to do this and even somehow manged to get me to update this to a point that it wasn't such an eyesore for him anymore. So that is some pure dedication right there.

I'm one of his few friends, although we did have a falling out recently. Yet after a few months we got back in touch though so that is nice I missed talking to them a lot. Losing a friend you've had for a long time makes you realize things about them a guess.
---Memoir to Xenos---
The above was the previous state of this box, I didn't want to change it. Besides that, technically speaking we are no longer friends. Xenos wanted me to remove him from this box but I was torn between respecting that final wish of his, or just ignoring it due to the massive impact on my life they have had. In the end I decided to change it to a bit of a memoir of our experiences. Hopefully that won't upset them too much.

We met back in TF2 through a random pub, and since then we have played through multiple different games together. From Dark Souls to Minecraft, Monster Hunter World and Gary's mod, so many different things that honestly? I can't remember them all. We spent hundreds if not at least thousands of hours of time together.

Although sometimes relationships have to have their end. Each of us went different paths in life. I decided to move forward in my life, pursue a relationship which led me to having less time to spend on other people.

I most definitely could have tried more to keep Xenos as a friend, but at the same time In the back of my head I think I knew. I knew our past falling out had a reason behind it. I knew... that I just wasn't the same kid they met in that pub all those years ago. I grew up, I changed. There were so many events that helped define who I was today, some of them even involving Xenos. I will probably regret a lot of things in our relationship but I think I am glad the way it ended. Abruptly, just as it started.

Even now looking back, I would be unable to recognize myself. Personally I believe I have changed for the better but everybody is entitled to belive what they see. I know I have made mistakes in life, hopefully writing this is not one of them.

To Xenos, if you are ever reading this I am not sorry for the person I turned out to be, although I am sorry it was not the person you wanted me to be.
Αutism - กลุ่มสาธารณะ
346 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 25 ก.ย.
1,565 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 25 ก.ย.
PuppetPuddy!~ 1 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา 
Funny gamer, made me giggle
snowi 23 ก.ย. @ 9: 32am 
B282 9 ก.ย. @ 10: 38am 
stardust✦ 8 ก.ย. @ 2: 00am 
a message
dr yaoi 29 ส.ค. @ 9: 21pm 
+rep endured my tweakage in team chat
Bunny 11 ส.ค. @ 4: 31pm 
Woof woof