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BARISTA BATISTA Apr 22 @ 4:59pm 
enjoy your ban
Bob Kerman Mar 25 @ 1:40pm 
enjoy your ban
Bob Kerman Mar 25 @ 11:17am 
what a toxic player, get a life and continue to rage quit its better for you
Vemix Dec 11, 2023 @ 1:07pm 
Who even are you lil bro? Messaging me out of the blue like we old pals. :aos2sumika:
keemy Oct 14, 2023 @ 4:17am 
yeah...this is a -rep sorry... used to run steady skins business with him until he went rogue and scammed our most loyal customers.. then trade ban. told me he needed money to pay for sister's breast implants? threw away a 9 year friendship for this pure greed

SCREW you brandon, enjoy your ban
keemy Sep 5, 2023 @ 1:40am 
why is it when someone says "peak times for you" or "thats peak" is it meant to be seen as "that sucks for you" or "that sucks"? when peak is meant to be the top of something, when you're at the peak of ur game, ur playing the best in that game that you ever have before, or when you are at the peak of a mountain, you are at the top, which is the hardest place to get to, meaning that your hard work and dedication is what results in your peak, so why is the word "peak" used as a negative word??