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Останні рецензії користувача InariForges

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
297.0 год. загалом (151.7 год на момент рецензування)
My Beloved says this game is very enjoyable.

Yes, Yes, I'm telling them.

You can purge all the Heretics in my dream.

The review is written Beloved, like you wanted!
Додано 7 грудня 2022 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
229.3 год. загалом (57.6 год на момент рецензування)
Gunlance Go BRRR
Додано 30 червня 2022 р..
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301.1 год. загалом (253.2 год на момент рецензування)
Please Ignore the "Red Shell is Spyware" plebs, warning you not to buy the game. They have basically listened to warnings from reddit. Red Shell is a COOKIE not spyware. All it does is let Fat Shark see if you viewed a particular advert, THEN later play the game. AKA which adverts are useful, which ones are not. Thus direct more money to the game development rather than spend it where the advertising was ineffective!

The game itself is amazing, challenging and has very dynamic game play. The 3 classes per charater gives you a lot to master, and the levels vary in design and style giving you a lot to work with. Perfect to pick up and play with your friends, been playing it since release and still not slightly bored of it. Can't wait for new maps to be released, and hopefully new weapon cosmetics will come soon as well!
Додано 2 травня 2018 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 20 червня 2018 р..
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2.1 год. загалом
This game has an amazing concept, and a great story, yet the combat is clunky and heavy handed and the game itself simply struggles to keep up with itself, kicking party members at random [Yay for thinking you can play with friends] and slowing right down at any hoard moment. It doesn't seem to matter who hosts, or the system you run it on [amongst my friends we all run high end systems] it just lags up, dumps someone out of the instance and carries on, then will do the same at the next big fight. Honestly, as much as the concept is brilliant and as much as I love 40K... Fatshark's The End Times series just plays 1000% better, Vermintide is much more enjoyable because it works and soon the sequel will be out... save your money and don't buy Deathwing. Invest in Vermintide 1 & 2 for a far better experience.
Додано 20 жовтня 2017 р..
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123.3 год. загалом (72.6 год на момент рецензування)
So... been playing For Honor since Open Beta, bought it on release day. Gonna run ya through the pros/cons if you still don't have it.

- In game currency comes quite quickly, so the [cheap] micro transactions really aren't needed to get better at the game.
- Interesting combat system, actively guard-breaking, blocking and light/heavy attacks to the left/right and from above with a parry if you heavy attack their attack gives a different element to combat. You really need to think about what you're doing which is nice from usual games like this.
- Customisation of armor sets from style, to colours, symbols and engraving makes it really dynamic to great the look you want with each class
- Skilled AI means it doesn't matter if you have one on your team, or fighting against them. Just as tricky to defeat most of the time.

- Peer to Peer servers, because Ubisoft are cheap ♥♥♥♥♥. This leaves connections potentially up to "Acquiring Network" status while someone joins in place of a Bot or leaves.
- The gear system. Every time you complete level 20 on a class you earn 1 Reputation. With that Reputation you gain the ability to raise another 36 gear levels. So you start with level 1 gear that can be upgraded to 6. Then at R1 you get gear to be upgraded from 7 to 12. Anyway, you see how the system works. At R3 you can hit the max gear rank of 108.
- Matchmaking is done via OVERALL K/D/A, then you select the class to play. Even if you've never played it and have no gear for it.
- Combine the previous 2 cons and you have a massive ♥♥♥♥ up. People with 90 - 108 gear level can 2 hit someone and kill them who are in 50 gear, who takes 5 shots to kill the 90+ guy. Because ♥♥♥♥ BALANCING.

All in all a great game, for the game play. They need dedicated servers, and they need to actually have match making, what they have is opportunist over powered people wailing on lower leveled people until they quit the game and go scream at something. I recomend it, but I also recomend getting to the 3rd Reputation level against AI and in Brawl/Duel where gear is deactivated so you don't tear your hair out. Then gear up and go into PVP. Look at it like a long ass training exercise.

*Off to scream at something*
Додано 28 лютого 2017 р..
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18.8 год. загалом
While I recomend this game, I heavily suggest waiting. Do not pre order it, and upon release see if it launches with Dedicated Servers or not. If not, continue waiting until Ubisoft [Ubi-Crap] stops being cheap and pays for decent servers, because Peer2Peer REALLY ruins what is a brilliant concept, amazing combat system, beautiful artwork.

With that said, in Custom Game me and my friends had a LOT of fun, so dynamic, and every match no matter how we split the teams and which characters we played with were tooth and nail fights, always rounding off within 500 points of each other, the turning point only within the final minutes. Which makes it feel quite balanced with the combat and class system, so far. The game looks beautiful and is very very well optimised. Just... Peer2Peer, for every Peer2Peer game a puppy dies, why do you do this Ubisoft?
Додано 12 лютого 2017 р..
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31.2 год. загалом (24.9 год на момент рецензування)
As much as I love this game and enjoy playing it I find 2 major issues when playing it:
1) Randomised spawning is great, until you end up spawning 10ft from the killer. It's not fun when the killer can SEE YOU when you spawn. You get a piss poor score, and no currency to spend on levelling up. Since there is ALWAYS a basement somewhere on the map with 4 hooks and a chest, surely the killer should always spawn there, so the killer can't see the survivers at the moment of spawn?
2) Matchmaking can have you with a level 1 surviver, no perks or very very basic perks against a killer with a full load out of pink/purple [top tiers] perks. Again... why bother trying at this point. Surely you should be matched with killers and survivers that match your level with the character you're playing so the experience is fair?
Other than that this is a really really fun game, but most of the fun is had with friends in a 5 man, because of the above reasons online can sometimes leave you feeling a bit... let down by the unbalanced nature of things.
Додано 22 грудня 2016 р..
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155.7 год. загалом (47.4 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
Considering this is Pre-Alpha, it runs better than a lot of games do at release!

- Equipment Upgrades are simple to understand and quite dynamic with options for point allocation.
- Pet Stats are RNG based, meaning to get the type of pet and stat combos for your perfect practical AND aesthetic choice, the eggs are never a waste in your inventory.
- With personal choices for how you want to use your class, there are endless combos for team set ups, No 2 players are clones of each other.
Maps are great, providing plenty of challenge, and currently have 2 out of 3 difficulty modes available.
- No Pay to Win element - Gems are used for extra inventory space and cosmetic outfits. Even without buying more inventory bags, extra loot will go to Temp Inventory, giving you 3 hours to claim it, use it or sell it before it is auto sold, so never any loss.

Worth paying full price for, if Alpha, Beta and main release keep up the level of work that has gone into this, I'll be playing for a long time!
Додано 13 червня 2015 р..
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