Call me WeatherMan I'm wherever man

"Chess is mental torture" - Garry Kasparov

The harder I practice, the luckier I get - Gary Player

“Play the opening like a book, the middle game like a magician, and the endgame like a machine” - Rudolf Spielmann

King's gambit enjoyer.

"You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one" - Mikhail Tal

"Why must I lose to this idiot?'' – Aron Nimzowitsch

Why Shy no game. Nevause. Water in fabric what - dead

Help your pieces so they can help you - Paul Morphy

valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism

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74 hrs on record
last played on May 30
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last played on May 19
tjoe May 20 @ 6:31pm 
pathetic loser, blatant as ♥♥♥♥, boosting friends, extremely obvious
Brightside May 13 @ 5:29pm 
virgies gonna virg and wallers gonna wall
Gardazshura May 13 @ 10:03am 
Nice profile
GRAVYLEGS. May 3 @ 8:58pm 
Actually walling and pretending like he's good at the game. Real life loser.
Shady Milkman May 3 @ 12:33am 
Rest in peace walrus,we were all very sad when we heard you had passed. I guess you're in the walrus farm in the sky now.
valium peek Apr 26 @ 8:20pm 
walling lol