Doggo ♡
New Jersey, United States
It’s been a great ride boys, if you are seeing this I’ve been on steam for 6 years now and rarely come online. Shout out to all the people I’ve played with in my thousands of hours of time on this platform. Y’all made my childhood great and I thank all of you.

Here are some of the people I can remember off the top of my head:

Jwtemp, krantz, Braav0, business bear, and bmop. Everyone on pbfortress tf2 war3 jailbreak, the CS:GO AWP only server I played on, trading, everyone on the multiple DarkRP servers I used to play on, and most recently all of the dudes from the Gamers Guild on on albion (Vlad, twobax, awptics, etc)

Cheers to 4,408+ hours on steam!
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bmop Nov 30, 2021 @ 3:00am 
jwtemp May 3, 2021 @ 5:46pm 
I am indeed married and I'm working on starting that family you mentioned, I really appreciate your kind words. I hope you're also doing well, getting ready to start your own life as you grow older, grow up, hit school, gain knowledge and eventually, no doubt conquer the world.

And if you aren't doing so well, know that you have a friend and a listening ear in me, should you ever need it.

Good Vibes to You Mang,

jwtemp May 3, 2021 @ 5:46pm 
Dear Doggo,

It's so great to hear from you my friend! It has been such a long time, I honestly thought you were gone from Steam for good but I'm glad to see you return, even if it's only for a little bit. :)

I'm glad to know that you considered me to be a good friend. I didn't always act right to others while playing games online - and still regret some of my behavior - but it's very reassuring for me to know that of all of the thousands of hours I spent playing online games, I at least made a lasting impression that was positive on someone. And someone as cool as you are to boot! I'm happy to still call you my friend, these years later, just in case things weren't clear in that regard.
young sheldon Sep 15, 2020 @ 8:01am 
-signed by Shroud
young sheldon Sep 10, 2020 @ 7:47am 
a true glizzy gladiator +respec
Khan Jan 7, 2020 @ 6:37pm 
love you