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Posted: Sep 24, 2022 @ 7:10am
Updated: Oct 19, 2022 @ 6:51am


I spent over 100 hours so you don't have to. I reached level 27 which is at the level when you unlock drones, its pretty far, but i had enough. I coulnd't push myself any further.

TL;DR: This game has worse practices than EA, them being a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ blessing in comparison.

Get ready for a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ long read. Im going to explain everything in depth and its flaws the best i can.


This “game”, has tuned all of its features to purposely to push the player into frustration and incite them into spending money. That is literally their scheme.

To exploit this even further, their current profit strategy is to release absurdibly broken new mechs, which blast through the meta of the game, and push the players into buying the new content to compete with other players.

This isnt your regular case of pay2win, this is p2w to MAXIMUM HYPEROVERDRIVE.

No game has ever, and i say, ever, made me so frustrated with its progression. I played my huge share of grindy games, and they dont come nowhere as close as this game. Progression was slow but palpable. On this game, it breaks your shins and leaves you for yourself.

War robots has no form of progression because it restricts you in every single way it can.

Upgrade a mech or one individual piece of equipment. It costs silver and some wait time which increases exponentially with each level.

At first glance this seems kind of normal for a mobile based free game, but thats where it lies, because it reaches a point where upgrades take literally days, leaving you with unequal levels with your equipment because you have to upgrade them one by one.

And this is just a bit of the problem.

Because what should be more available equipment, is locked behind gold, which is the premium currency, with 5€ giving you 500 gold as a example.

Most of this equipment which are practically upgraded versions of some of the starting weapons of the game, and they are locked behind this gold currency. Going from 500-1500-4000 prices, 40€ for items that are easily replaced.

The game may give you roughly 80 gold daily, but thats nothing compared to the costs of the gold priced items on the store.

Platinum is exclusive for titans, and the ammount they offer you daily (25 per day) is pitiful compared to the prices of the equipment of the titans. Its far cheaper to upgrade your own titan than getting a single weapon.

There is also energy cells, which is a resource for activating unique skills, these abilities changing into gold based if you happen to run out of cells. If you are lucky you will get an ammount past the need of using gold, but still, absurd to put price to something that could simply be given for free.

And i only talked about the currencies of the game.

Here's where the biggest lies of the game come.

Many of the game's weapons are locked behind another mechanic that is the factory, and this decieves you with a false path to progress.

Every single equipment on the game requires 10.000 pieces, you assign a factory slot to produce for the equipment you want, and wait 24 hours for at least 80 pieces. Once the timer ends, you have to pay again for the factory to make more. No, you cannot set it automatically.

And this is where the lie comes. Its not 10.000 for unlocking permanently the equipment. Its for just 1 piece of equipment, and then you have to start all over again.

Oh, but you can rush all the process again with gold for just 50€ (or 75€!) SUPRISE!!!

Also, the game has lootboxes. I dont have to explain you that one, right?

The balance on the game is, as expected, completely scuffed. One mech alone by its broken abilities can wipe out a whole team alone. Its that easy.

The game's matchmaking makes no check between levels of equipment between players, you can get easily matched aganist someone who has twice the levels of equipment compared to you, wipe out your entire team and get all the rewards.


The game literally forces you to compete with your teammates over who gets kills and deals the most damage.

The ammount of silver you gain per match is based on how much damage you have dealt, and even then, the rates are pitiful. So if your equipment is crap, you get crap rewards.

You also get gold and keys based on your team's best, if you get below 3th, you dont get anything. Just keys for the lootboxes with ♥♥♥♥♥♥ rewards. And even at top of your team, rewards are pathetic. 5 gold at best.

I didn't unlock motherships because they are locked at level 30 and getting levels on this game is tediously grindy and slow. But apparently they give you one special ability depending on which mothership and they are all overpowered. Easily ripping your whole health apart with an AoE that acts too fast to get out or react to.

This game has practically zero skill involved in its gameplay. My best mech is one that flies above, gets massive damage resistance while flying, fires lasers to all enemies on sight and damages on %. Its a limited version that has 10% more health compared to the original mech.


Please, i beg of you, do not give the developers any of your time and money.

If you want a good stompy mech shooter game, try out MechWarrior Living legends. Its entirely free and it requires skill to win.
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Solid Snake Jan 17 @ 3:31pm 
I Remember i said the gust light weapon was to expensive in a review complaint, guess what? it went from 500 Au, To 1500 Au. greedy fucking bitch devs you ruining my child hood it went from needing skill to needing Real Fucking Money Its the most Pay2Win game ive ever come across.
TheJDSguy Jul 26, 2024 @ 7:04pm 
The 2024 update is that this game has a new sub challenge of protecting the Chinese bot account with the robot armed with Hurricane, a weapon that doesn't require you to engage with the game whatsoever. The robot has no need to move or do anything other than sit there and spam that one weapon. There is actually a fun activity where if the bot on your team spawns in front of an obstruction, you can push your robot into the bot to move it out of the way to get a clear line of sight.

All of the titan robots are near useless except for Rook, they are just a larger and slower crappier version of normal robots. If I were to design the game, it would be such that a normal robot could never chew through any Titans health bar with ease ... otherwise what is the point of having a Titan class, right ? Rook is designed in such a way that just 1 can change the dynamic of the match - this is how the game should be.
)-:'ZAGAN':-( Nov 21, 2023 @ 8:36pm 
YEP after days of the p2w bots 4 titans MAXED OUT dint even kill it so yea I AM DONE with this game.
DJCOOL101 Oct 1, 2023 @ 7:48pm 
I remember when this game first came out. it was absolute gold.
Hewofakku Sep 23, 2023 @ 9:31pm 
once upon a time this game was fun but nothing lasts forever what can i say
Dota != 4Noob Sep 23, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
i have stop play long ago. and happy to see this game went down. waiting for "big wallet" players realize they will play with same people. haha. *take my points*
thereaperfade Sep 1, 2023 @ 11:44am 
The monetizing has only gotten worse. More recently they took the ability to randomly get the new robot or titan out of the monthly event chest, replacing it with a bingo board. This requires you purchase 25 chances for crap loot (with the super expensive ultra currency) before getting the lootbox that might have the new titan in it. Like can you imagine 500 something $ to get a CHANCE at these new things, you can't even get a lucky break anymore, you are literally required to go ALL IN, and the lootbox gambling addiction in a kids game...
COCulator Jun 15, 2023 @ 3:41pm 
add on I did play when the factory was a thing (it was called workshop for me) and it worked way different, damn they really milked the shit out of this game
COCulator Jun 15, 2023 @ 3:37pm 
i haven't played in years last time I played was when griffin was terrifying to go against and fujin and rajin (the red and blue 4 legged shield robots) were the best and were basically the deciding factor of the game
greenraven22 Nov 3, 2022 @ 2:09pm 
Only being able to upgrade 1 thing at a time is really annoying. And it's designed that way so that impatient people spend gold. :steamfacepalm: