Πρόσφατες κριτικές από τον Gray

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Εμφάνιση 1-10 από 22 καταχωρίσεις
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9.4 ώρες συνολικά (8.2 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Fun and fast paced shooter with a competitive scene. Movement is comparable to Apex Legends. Gun play feels great and so does movement. Games can be a bit chaotic at time though and lead to frustration. Best to find a type (Light, Medium or Heavy) and stick with it until you learn it before jumping all around with other types.
Αναρτήθηκε 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2023.
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6.9 ώρες συνολικά
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
Super cheap game great for wasting time on if waiting for friends or just wanna play a casual game and talk to friends or listen to music. Not overly complicated, only takes couple hours to discover all items and unlock all characters. The grind is getting good to upgrade permeant skills before starting a game. You can build using a guide and easily win (survive 30 minutes) or just do your own thing. If you take random items you will not make it to end of the time because monsters will quickly overwhelm you. Once you remember a good build though and unlock a couple skills in the menu, the game becomes fairly easy. If you manage to unlock all the permeant skills and make a good build you'll pretty much be an unstoppable god pretty quickly.
Αναρτήθηκε 29 Ιανουαρίου 2022.
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2 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
10.1 ώρες συνολικά (2.9 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
The game is getting lots of reviews from fan boys, who refuse to be mean or negative to their baby. Game was released to early and is full of bugs and not optimized, It is also missing things that the game said they'd have but do not have them. The popping in of textures that Assassins Creed had that led to terrible reviews are not happening here. The missing features that was said to be in-game are not getting the No Man's Sky treatment, to where that game was trashed hard. It is not getting the treatment that other games that released broken got... point is this game is being treated like a god instead of being treated as it should and as everyone did to other games with same issues.

As for me what I cannot stand is the constant popping of textures to include people and vehicles spawning in right in front of you. It running terrible on a high end computer even with medium settings. Also the driving and gun play feels super clunky and off. I also feel like there at the start I am sure it goes away after time... but the start is filled with non-stop dialog getting calls riding in vehicles with NPC talking non-stop.

The excuse of it will update and fix it... okay what about the people with limited or no internet... some people only get what is released. Imagine having to deal with what came out on launch and only that even years from now, that is highly unacceptable. This game may be good and fix everything later... until then I highly recommend avoiding this mess of a game. Be aware of the fan boy reviews and take them with a grain of salt.
Αναρτήθηκε 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2020. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2020.
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2 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
52.7 ώρες συνολικά (2.5 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Game plays great have constant 90 FPS, never crashed in the time I've played it so far. Every review i've seen that is negative is only complaining about crashing, to which I have no experienced once.
Αναρτήθηκε 7 Αυγούστου 2020.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
63.4 ώρες συνολικά (54.0 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
Game is early access... but it is true early access, not the BS we always see nowadays. They listen to the community and fix issues we make them aware of. There has been an update everyday sometimes multiple a day, with good communication. There are bugs and things that are annoying, but they have been adding things, fixes thing and adjusting values on things. I would highly recommend getting it by the end of 04/12/2020 to get the discount... but I'd glady still pay full price for this game even in it's current state. Once they clean everything up, and mods start coming in this, already great game will become damn near perfect. Although I will say I am not a fan of the multiplayer, but I was never a fan of games like this as multiplayer. This game would be #3 all time game if they added online for the story mode. Just make it so other players can join your progress and play as another faction and or their own.
Αναρτήθηκε 12 Απριλίου 2020.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
10.8 ώρες συνολικά (7.9 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
Dead by Daylight but with guns and more polished. It will be hard and feel bad at first, but give it time to understand and level perks and you'll change 100%. Best played with friends a group of 5 friends can beat anyone.
Αναρτήθηκε 3 Ιουνίου 2019.
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3 άτομα βρήκαν αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική αστεία
10.8 ώρες συνολικά
Κριτική Πρόωρης Πρόσβασης
Ark DLC released as a standalone game... This 100% should have been a major DLC for Ark, where it replaces models from dinos to more current animals. Besides that and sailing, it is the same game as Ark with more players (each Island being it's own server).
Αναρτήθηκε 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2018.
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0.6 ώρες συνολικά
This game is short, will last you no more then 1 hour at the most. The thing is though it will be an inspiring 1 hour, plus the game is free! It tells you a strong and emotional story of two girls that have a harsh friendship and some dark secrets. Which is all relieved to you by going through the room and clicking on items. Every item has it's own little story to it, plus the soundtrack is amazing and very calming. This would be a great game to play in the morning with a cup of coffee. 100% worth the time it took downloading it and playing it. Hope this group goes on to do more and create a AAA sized game, with this story telling.
Αναρτήθηκε 2 Μαΐου 2018.
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Κανένας δεν έχει αξιολογήσει ακόμη αυτή την κριτική ως χρήσιμη
9.2 ώρες συνολικά (4.9 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
Super fun with friends
Have not laughed due to a game so hard in a while
Very derpy in a great way
Many ways and paths to take to beat each level
Kinda short
Cannot play workshop maps online
Αναρτήθηκε 7 Νοεμβρίου 2017.
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1 άτομο βρήκε αυτήν την κριτική χρήσιμη
70.3 ώρες συνολικά (55.5 ώρες όταν γράφτηκε)
TLDR: If you enjoyed SoM you'll enjoy SoW, and ignore the people who cry about loot boxes.

Most of these negative reviews are people crying about the loot boxes. The loot boxes can be bought with in-game currency which is super is to get. They may also be gained doing online missions. I got one for killing a captin that killed a player, it really is not very hard. Nothing is even locked behind the paid loot boxes. The loot boxes simply make the past of the game, when it comes to making your Army so fast that it ruins the fun of creating it yourself. Also most the players that cry about loot boxes give lack luster reviews, and little to no play time.

The game looks better then before, and runs very well. The new skills that you learn along with gear and gems, is always keeping you busy. The charcters are done much better, and I feel more of a connection to them vs in SoM. The world is much larger, broken down multiple regions. They added a option to make it harder, in which is it and will be fun to run around on the hardest setting to fight captins. The new nemisis system is much better, letting you assign yourself body guards to summon. They also added one of my favorite addtions the fighting pit, which is when you put your best vs a very skilled captin, you may not help them so it is a gamble. Collectables are not longer just fo something to do, as they now provide gear and skills. They enemy have a ton more abilities, and will adapt to your play style so no spamming. I've also enjoyed the story so far. I was able to come into this game from SoM control wise, and feel 100% at home right away.

I will say coming from playing a ton of SoM to this, I was very confussed for the first hour or so. The game does start slow, and does have you s aying to yourself come on just let me play already. It can become annoying try to manage everything as each region has their own Army.
Αναρτήθηκε 10 Οκτωβρίου 2017. Τελευταία επεξεργασία 10 Οκτωβρίου 2017.
Βρήκατε χρήσιμη αυτήν την κριτική; Ναι Όχι Αστεία Βραβείο
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Εμφάνιση 1-10 από 22 καταχωρίσεις