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Menampilkan1-10 dari 49 kiriman
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Tercatat 137.2 jam
Sony. You had a winner. Then, you messed it up. What a shame, I'd pass this by. Nothing to see here anymore. No more fun to be had in this buggy mess.
Diposting pada 2 Maret. Terakhir diedit pada 1 Juni.
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Tercatat 2.3 jam
I really wish Valve would implement a mixed rating for reviews, cause thats what I would give it. Instead, I'm giving it a not recommended rating, not because It's a bad game, oh no, the game is buttery smooth responsive and fun, but the title is very misleading.

This is not a BlazBlue game, and has nothing to do with BlazBlue, except having some of the cast as playable characters, and bosses, this makes it very dissapointing. The story follows a small robot, in a world made up of...robots, and some big sky net like AI ruling over everything, making these robots do "mind training", for me, this makes it hard to keep going, as there is seemingly no real story to be invested in, and just makes me wish, I was playing a, well, BlazBlue game.

The game has limited english voice acting, which to me, does not matter, but some of the english voices seem to be AI generated, specificly the way they say some words, however, it kind of works, seeing as everyone Is a robot.

The game play is great however! So smooth and very fun to attack the enemies, the upgrades your character get however are very convoluted, and takes some time to really understand what you get. Sadly, I only played as Ragna, as I can not bring myself to play anymore, the gameplay is fun, but theres no motivation to keep playing, as it feels like theres zero progression.

Overall, if you're not a BlazBlue fan, or never heard of it, give the game a try, hell, give the game a try anyway, but if you're looking for a rich story, like the older BlazBlue games offered, its not here. I hate calling this a dissapointment, and I hope if whomever reads this, does enjoy it, and loves it!
Diposting pada 23 Februari.
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Tercatat 41.9 jam
♥♥♥♥ writing. ♥♥♥♥ characters. Gameplay is..okay, Bad UI. Was not fun even with friends. 3/10 I regret ever second i spent in this game.
Diposting pada 27 Agustus 2023.
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
I can Roleplay as Simon from the yogscast on garish gold armor and hit people with sticks now! YES!
Diposting pada 10 Maret 2023.
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
Not worth 50$ would be an amazing 15$ expansion though. A real shame I can not get this refunded.
Diposting pada 1 Maret 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 1 Maret 2023.
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Tercatat 4.2 jam
Pay 2 Win gacha trash. low effort. unbalanced. unfun.
Diposting pada 23 Februari 2023.
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Tercatat 49.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 15.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Where did this little gem come from? The premise is amazing, but the game does falter in a few areas. So, lets talk about the pros and cons of the latest twitch smash hit!

Cons: I start with the cons cause I want to get the bad out of the way first.
1: Buggy. This game is quite buggy, nothing too bad but there was a progression stopping bug before I played the game.

2: Short. Progression is limited, albeit fun, but only after a few hours I unlocked everything, leaving only the combat and story to do.

3: Unbalanced Weapons. The Axe is the best weapon as it scales with the difficulty the best, with the dagger being the worst option, due to low damage and needing to get in the face of enemies. Sword being the mid ground but still feeling a little weak. The curses are all balanced well, only a few seem to need tweaks.

4: Can Be Boring. The combat is super fun, but lacks much depth, and micromanaging of the cultists is the weakest part however, as after you unlock most of the stuff, they become a chore to deal with, and offer no real advantage late game, and becomes extremely repetitive.

Honorable mention for cons: Twitch Intergration. It simply did not work and still remains unresponsive and slow as i write this, how ever, no one expects a game to blow up like this. this "issue" more than likely will not be a thing after a week or two.


1: Art Style. I don't know why but adorable things doing horrible things is always a crowd pleaser, and this is no exception. (though I wish it was a bit gory at times)

2: Gameplay. While i said it can be boring, it, overall, is very fun to go on crusades, and beat the bosses, return, and see what your cultists are doing!

3: Story. At the time of writing I have not finished the story, but so far I like it!

Overall the games a nice little game, and made for twitch, sadly theres its biggest flaw, it's made for twitch. I only can see a streamer getting one, mabye two playthroughs out of this before moving on, as for a rouguelite, its lacking. 7/10 for me.
Diposting pada 14 Agustus 2022.
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
Being new to Guilty Gear, I never played previous iterations of Baiken, but I have heard of her through people like Maximilian Dood. Short story, shes okay here! They removed some things from her kit according to Maximilian Dood , such as her command dash, and ability to counter while blocking, however this seems to have made her less niche and easier to play, after playing her myself, I like the play style, but if you've read my Strive review, I still do not like the main product much.

Design: I like the design, samurai lady with one arm and one eye, and she uses this lack of an arm to hide all sorts of wierd stuff, a cannon, hooks, ect ect. The default color schemes are nice as well, and yes shes got a huge chest, but that joke has been done to death and is NOT a reason to give a recommended review.

Moveset: I find it quite satisfying! Tatami gaeshi from I saw is a staple move of hers, and I find is funny thats its a japanese mat, thats awesome, and can lead to some interesting mix ups and combos using it. Her supers are flashy as well, and her moveset is not confusing like Happy Chaos and Jack O, and not clunky like Goldlewis, a very well rounded DLC chartacter from what I've played so far.

Theme: A banger like all the rest. The music in this game is,by far one of the best soundtracks in any video game I've played, and Baikens theme Mirror of the World is no different.

Stage: Shockingly, this is sold seperatly, and can lock you out of combo challenges they added if the person recorded the combo on the stage. Remember when stages came with the characters?

Overall: Buy her if you like Strive!
Diposting pada 29 Januari 2022.
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Tercatat 0.0 jam
While the stage looks pretty, why is this NOT part of Baikens character DLC? Also, it locks you out of combo challenges if you do not own the stage. Come on, this stuff used ot be part of characters DLC in the past.
Diposting pada 28 Januari 2022.
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Tercatat 74.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 24.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
This is my first Guilty Gear game, so I have no expectations that rely on the older ones, sadly, I find myself wanting to like the game, but unable to really get into it, and the more I play, the more I dislike it,at least in the current state.

First, lets tackle the controls, It's...okay, nothing more than just okay, air dashing being the worst thing about the controls, I'm sorry but when I air dash, I want it to feel responsive, I do not want it feeling like I have a 19 frame delay in FighterZ, aside from that, everything else feels clunky.

Second, the combo system. Combos are smaller and more simple than in other GG games, well from what I've seen, as again I've not played any other GG game, but the smaller combos and limited "revolver" actions feels super awkward and leave almost zero expression though gameplay, if you fight one Sol Badguy, you've fought them all, as you will see the same 2 or 3 moves in a match constantly, making rematches very stale very quick. However I do like the footsies, and the dreaded auto combo is gone from this game

Third, the wall break. Wall breaking here is something I like and despise, I like that it can reset everyone to neutral, so you're not stuck in corner pressure the entire game, but why does the attacker get a positive bonus? The reward for a wall break is the huge chunk of damage it gives upon wall breaking. So you know, positive bonus is: 10% more damage. Tension(meter) passivly builds up even when not taking hits or giving hits. and you take 10% more damage. This to me just snow balls the losing player.

Fourth, and the biggest one for me, online lobbies. Arcsys, stop, your lobby system is by far, the worst lobbying system I have seen in video gaming. It's slow, intrusive, and pointless. I want to fight other online, why do I have to go into a lobby, walk around and find a player? Why can't I just hit "play online" and choose a lobby someone has open, or match make with someone on my floor? Not to mention the constant disconnects, and errors from TRYING to fight someone, then there the constant errors when in game as well, no body likes the lobby system, the avatars arent fun to unlock stuff for, "fishing" gatcha games are not fun.

Fifth, story mode. It's just an anime done in the games engine, unless you know the story from the older games, it only is there to confuse and bore, as it has no gameplay whatsoever.
As much as you've heard me complain, I do have thing i love about this game, the top thing being the rollback netcode. It's so much better than delay based, but if someone has a bad connection, well, it's worse, in my experience. The graphics and visuals are stunning, and the sound track is just an eargasm, sadly it takes more than those things to make a good fighter. You need expression through your character, and for fights to feel dynamic and less stale. Fluid movement and responsive controls, good game balance, although that one is way easier said than done.

Strive is a game I want to love, sometimes it has those moment where I'm like "that's so cool!" but they are rare moments. There has to be a way to make it more appealing to casual players and pros, while keeping the game looking and feeling great. Is it a bad game? Hell no! Is it a game I enjoy? Well, not really, this is yet another game where I wish Steam has a third option of a side ways thumb, I do not recommend this game, butI don't not recommend this game.
Diposting pada 2 Desember 2021.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 49 kiriman