Yo, just an update (I know, 2020 and I know how long it has been) on what has happened. I still do not have a computer to play my games on. I'm still currently in a tough spot, but I figured it would be BEST if I still log in to make sure I have all of my items and such due to something I heard from friends. Anyway, I'm gonna update this so DO NOT BE ALARMED.

I'm still me, just an identity change is all. Take care people and stay safe.
Currently Offline
{HaS} HolyBarksAlot Feb 8 @ 4:56am 
OrbitSkeleton Feb 4 @ 12:23pm 
+rep know the difference between wyverns, dragons, and drakes
eric cartman Jul 21, 2017 @ 9:03pm 
lol i met him in real life so i just added him XD
The Fence Aug 6, 2015 @ 10:59pm 
+rep an example of a good human being ^.^
bumbo Oct 30, 2014 @ 9:56am 
+rep, one of the kindest traders ive dealt with.
Whyrligig Jul 30, 2014 @ 4:11pm 