<GG> Event Level Bot (Offline)
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Event bot, will be available Winter 2024!

Discord for support: https://discord.gg/Yk2ZTy9
Event Level Up Bot

You cannot use the bot if you are trade banned, got private inventory or haven't activated mobile auth.

Lost? Need help? Check the guide & info here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TradingCardBot/discussions/0/3223871682612901142/

Discord for support: https://discord.gg/Yk2ZTy9
Thanks for this year! Until next time!
+500 aura im cute asowonya 20. úno. v 19.15 
have a love day :p_heart:
rate my new artwork and join my asuna fan steam group :p_heart:
+500 aura im cute asowonya 18. úno. v 19.11 
New week enjoy it my Friend:hyena:
Join my new steamgroup would make me happy:hyena:
+500 aura im cute asowonya 14. úno. v 11.56 
happy valentines day
Enjoy the day with the person that you love:p_heart:
remember you are importent :p_heart:
+500 aura im cute asowonya 12. úno. v 18.59 
wish you all a wonderful day:p_heart:
follow my youtube channel it would make me happy :p_heart: