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1 person found this review helpful
0.7 hrs on record
We're finally here, the AARDMAN release of the century. A long awaited release for AARDMAN Fans for YEARS now, Pixel Puzzles AARDMAN Jigsaws is the puzzle game for any fan of Wallace and Gromit, Gromit, and Chicken Run. There's over 100 puzzles no less. You get achievements for each one. You can play them and the puzzle pieces fit together, and they fit! You can shuffle even, and they glow. The innovations put out with this release raises the bar for every other competitor in the market, a power play in the realm of the genre. AARDMAN game developers, take notes.
Posted April 17. Last edited April 17.
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1.0 hrs on record
easier than the original with twice the rice
Posted February 7.
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4 people found this review helpful
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2.1 hrs on record
the gorbino's quest of furry games
Posted October 14, 2023.
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0.6 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
incredible pls dupdate
Posted July 19, 2022.
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7 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
"Are you smarter than the crowd" is a party game in the same vein as something like a Jackbox Party Pack game, but of course, much different. It's just came out, and while a majority of the reviews currently base their scores off of technical issues, I'd like to approach this from an alternate point of view, while still addressing those later on.

A major reason one might have in this game would have to be because of the creator's renown for his previous work made through Source Filmmaker and Blender, with his unique and blunt presentation. Through the game's ever-prevalent, "Host", TipsyDuck's style and humor still has that same charm seen in his earlier work through these, strange pseudo human / egg people. Speaking of, this game does provide a good amount of customization for them: giving a wide variety of colors and name-tags to give your contestant/audience member. Additionally, the scenery around the sound-stage is visually nice to look at, and moving around the area has couple of funny details that add to the overall world-building.

While clearly not in a finished state, this game absolutely has potential. The main idea of the game is that you (if chosen as Contestant), are to face 9 other (max) players in a series of three, fairly simply puzzles. The challenge starts with a Jigsaw puzzle, a Memorization puzzle, and a "Pattern Recognition" puzzle, all designed to progressively increase your IQ score, with the goal of seeing who reaches the highest total. The first two puzzles are simple enough to do, though had trouble with the pattern recognition section, as after the first half of the puzzles the symbols began to look unique and I couldn't discern what was a pattern and what wasn't.

Overall, going through a round of the game is pretty entertaining, and with a group of friends going in first-hand, I imagine could result in some pretty fun times. At this stage, there aren't many players, so a good portion of the entertainment that would come from this is going to be lost right now. However, I had still found value in playing the rounds over again to both try my hand at getting a better score, as well as see one of the different endings depending on whoever achieves the highest amount. For those who are more globally competitive, there is additionally an "I.Q." Map that totals the average IQ for each country in the world that lists the smartest country by rank. It's a neat system, and it certainly adds a sense of replay-ability to beat other countries.

As for some constructive criticism design-wise, I think this game could benefit greatly from a large number of randomized voice-lines for the Host. With him having new things to say every moment the replay-ability could be substantially better, as I found myself playing multiple times to reach those unique endings, but hearing the Host say the exact same things each time was disappointing. And of course, the obvious bugs and technical issues that are currently in this version.

While I may not recommend you buy this right now, I would recommend keeping an eye on it if it's presentation is interesting to you. If you'd like to take a further look into the game and how it plays in it's current state, you can check out a video recorded here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vAaZSpAc-w

Posted April 8, 2022. Last edited April 8, 2022.
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2.5 hrs on record
i idled in this for 2+ hours for a monkey emote
Posted December 30, 2021.
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0.2 hrs on record
"We Become What We Behold" is a short game by long-time artist Nicky Case, or as others may remember, Nutcasenightmare. If you recognize the art style, that would be due to her creation of ":The Game:" series back over a decade ago. While the Steam version of this came out in 2019, it's original release dates back to the later half of 2016, and it's aged pretty well since then.

Described as a game about cycles, it showcases how news cycles focus on destructive headlines to gain viewers as "good news" doesn't circulate as quickly, or draw in viewers. The only game-play aspect is timing your photos, and then taking them when there's "action" on screen; while While the subject itself is serious, there's plenty of funny additions and headlines when you use your imagination to keep it at least a little comedic.

As for the Steam Edition itself, there's no difference between the one here and on Newgrounds other than one thing. Notably, the final end screen is changed, as all Nicky Cage's social links that had been there before are removed, leaving only the replay button. I don't exactly know why the Steam publisher decided to do this, perhaps complications, but those links to her platforms should be there. While I really enjoy this title, and recommend it for anyone to try, I don't agree with how it was published on the storefront as an unofficial port. Hopefully, Nicky can someday come to Steam and release her games on the platform herself.

Overall, a short and interesting experience that's free for anyone to try, and I absolutely recommend you do.
Posted December 25, 2021.
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1.8 hrs on record
A wonderful experience, and a true piece of art, but falls a little short in game-play. It's a great experience don't get me wrong, and the soundtrack is really catchy; Happy Rabbits in particular was an instant add to my work playlist, and hearing it for the first time made solving the puzzles a pretty entertaining time.

Like I mentioned prior, the game-play runs quick, and the puzzles are pretty good. The game itself takes less than two hours to beat, and could even be 100%'d in under that time if I had to guess (There aren't too many achievements). The puzzles as well were only mildly challenging, though not at all dull. The main mechanic of using your cursor to pull on objects was done quite well, so there's never a boring moment. I also wouldn't say that the game is too much of a "horror" title. While the imagery is absolutely psychedelic, and certainly disturbing, I hadn't personally been spooked much during my play-though.

If you're a stickler for replayability (or sensitive to flashing imagery), you'd be best off just watching a YT video of the game as there's no end-game content as far as I can tell. Overall, I'd recommend the game to anyone looking to experience a sweet, albeit bizarre, adventure.
Posted December 24, 2021.
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89.7 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
This game contains one of the best deck-building rouge-likes I've ever played, and its not even the main focus.

Insane game, truly a one of a kind experience. Check it out as soon as you can.
Posted October 23, 2021. Last edited October 26, 2021.
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