Mono de 3 cabezas
Sanfra   Barbuda, Antigua & Barbuda
r_show_build_info false - ocultar datos abajo a la izq

bind mouse4 "+jump;-attack;jump"
ignorerad - ignorar radar
sangre - r_cleardecals

Game Options -> Team Settings Section -> Team ID -> Always enabled w/ equipment

sv_infinite_ammo 1

mapa test latas:
god - invulnerable
mp_maxrounds 30 - to set a round limit
mp_afterroundmoney 16000
ammo_grenade_limit_total 5
mp_buytime 60000
mp_buy_anywhere 1
mp_roundtime_defuse 60 - rounds last 60 minutes (works only in defuse)
mp_roundtime 60 - rounds last 60 minutes
mp_limitteams 1 - bots kicked dont rejoin game
mp_autoteambalance 0 - this will keep the bots from auto-balancing
bot_kick - This will kick out the bots.
sv_infinite_ammo 1 - full infinite ammo
sv_infinite_ammo 2 - in 2, gives infinite ammo pool but clips have standard capacity
bot_freeze 1 - bots dont move
bot_place - place a bot in this location
sv_grenade_trajectory 1 - shows the trajectory of the grenade
sv_rethrow_last_grenade - rethrows last grenade

(OPTIONAL) cl_grenadepreview 1 - - Show trajectory of a grenade when pin is pulled.

mp_restartgame 1 - restarts game
mp_round_restart_delay 1

cl_showpos 1 = show where hit the bullet

+cl_updaterate "128" +cl_interp_ratio 1 +cl_interp "0.015625"
Kirjautunut ulos
Malasida 11.6. klo 11.00 
nice famas
simON 4.5. klo 19.05 
76561199386286204 10.4. klo 11.48 
Your profile rocks! Play?
Ballawield 12.3. klo 10.32 
we can try one more game if you want
kevinzito tu comida 25.2. klo 18.55 
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kevinzito tu comida 25.2. klo 18.55