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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 10.4 hrs on record
Posted: Oct 21, 2023 @ 10:11pm
Updated: Oct 21, 2023 @ 10:18pm

I will likely come back to do a more formal review of this game, but I wanted to at least note that this was a decent entry into Supermassive's catalogue while I still have the memories fresh from last weekend when I completed it. Other than this game, I recently completed House of Ashes, which I didn't review, but I enjoyed nonetheless. Usually with Supermassive games, I don't think too hard, I turn my brain off, and I enjoy the narrative drama.

As far as the story is concerned, I maintained an interest in it pretty much the whole time, and I did end up completing about 90% of the game in one day while I was streaming it to my friends. Since this is, after all, a Supermassive game, you can anticipate that they stick to their tried and true formula of a horror drama. Despite this, it had enough twists and turns throughout that I wasn't necessarily expecting to keep me interested and keep the formula balanced.

The one issue maybe that I did have is that they had a wide spectrum of depth with characters: with characters ranging from stereotypes of certain archetypes to characters that maintained some intrigue throughout the story and which I would characterize as having their own distinct personalities. On the opposite side of the primary "good" characters, I also wanted to recognize that Supermassive essentially sticks to their same formula of interactive horror dramas with people that could be labeled as obviously good and a monster that could be labeled as obviously bad; but their take on the monster in this game -- being vague so there aren't spoilers-- manages to stay hidden for a good bit of the story and stays fresh throughout the game. It reminds me of their first hit Until Dawn.

All in all, I would recommend The Quarry on a deep discount. Maybe $20. Not the $59.99 price tag that it demands currently. I was able to get it on a Humble Bundle, but I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to get it. It only really ends up being about 10h of gameplay anyway.
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