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Останні рецензії користувача Etropis

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
9.1 год. загалом
This game is a painfully beautiful experience.

Normally I don't write reviews for games, but this one is an exception.

Going into this game, I had my expectations, especially after playing through Amnesia... But how this game completely went above and beyond those expectations still amazes me. The story of Simon and his journey through pathos-II isn't only one to be remembered, but one that should be thoughtfully analayzed; one that should be indulged in. Do you see that computer terminal over there with all those lengthy emails and documents? Read them. See that robot over there on the floor asking for help? Think deeply before acting. This is a game with choices that are meant to make you think, and if you're not thinking, you're missing out. Now I don't want to spoil it; I don't want to give away anything about this experience, but just keep in mind that you yourself, you decide what's happening around you. Your mind gives way to possibility.

Now that that's out of the way, time to give my mediocre version of a legit review.


Story - Refer to my first paragraph in this review. The story in this game at first glance, or maybe even in its final moments, may not seem that great. But if it succeeds in making you think, which I'm highly positive it will, it is a phenomenal experience. It's a story that genuinely invokes thought and strongly succeeds in what its description says; it makes you question your own existence.

Characters - The characters in this game are not perfect, but they're easy to grow attached to. Whether it be the ever so curious and reflective Simon, or the persistant and ambitious Catherine... Or heck, even if it's the forever lost Carl. I'm sorry Carl. Overall, the scripting of the characters combine with grade A voice acting definitely contributes to what makes these characters so likable.

Gameplay - Think Amnesia 2.0; better physics, better AI, better movement.. Maybe not much in terms of hiding, but overall the gameplay is smooth and works out perfectly for this type of game.

Graphics - If it's anything that's lovely, it's the visually stimulating surroundings of SOMA. While the game had its... Rough edges.. SOMA is overall a very pretty game. So visual hiccups here and there, like looking into an invite void when there's supposed to be a vent shaft or the NPC's looking like pre-enhanced edition Skyrim, but besides those few points, everything else is visually pleasing and definitely sets the mood.

Sounds and Music - Now if it's anything that makes the atmosphere, it's the music. The queues for certain tracks and the ambient noises that play drastically effected the way I made my way through the game. Oil dripping across the room while I was reading documents had me constantly stopping to check what it was. Creaks and sounds of metal had me paranoid as I walked through seemingly calm corridors. Sudden music tracks and important parts definitely help convey emotion where emotion was needed... So overall, I would say the music and sound was fitting.


Even games like these have certain cons, but thankfully not too many.

If it's anything I would have to complain about, it would have to be a lack of survival mechanics. While the enemies in the game were avoidable and terrifying, there were times I felt genuinely hopeless; times I felt it'd be impossible for me to continue, mostly due to a lack of survival options such as not being able to hide inside of lockers, or anything for that matter. While monster encounters were short and not too frequent, I would find myself dreading each and everyone... But while it might seem bad, it also did help to convey that sense of hoplessness which is something many, many horror lovers desire, so it didn't leave me too dissapointed.

Overall, I don't have many other complaints about SOMA. There's a reason I'm taking the time to write this review and that's because I genuinely enjoyed almost everything about this game. If you like horror, sci-fi, or anything that makes you think about life and what we really are, then I would highly reccomend playing SOMA. It is a painfully beautiful journey that you won't regret going through.

Anyways, as it stands, it is 6:35 AM in the morning and I need sleep.. So forgive and spelling errors. Have a goodnight and if you buy this game, I can only hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you, Frictional Games.
Додано 1 листопада 2016 р..
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