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Senaste recensioner av Gambit

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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
63.9 timmar totalt (42.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This is my re-review of Insurgency, I am writing this because my old review was of the beta version and a lot has changed since.

I am just going to say right of the bat, if you are not willing to learn, get killed time after time and get frustrated this game is not for you, it very much follows the motto of the Red Orchestra games "While other games put you in a war movie this game puts you in a war" and it definitely applies to Insurgency, while unlike RO you can pull off some heroic moves and single handedly win for your team this requires alot of skill and mainly luck. The best way to describe this game is Red Orchestra 2 but today, with smaller maps and without the getting shot by a sniper ont eh other side of the map part.

In addition, the game is often updated with all sorts of new content like maps, weapons and gear, the devs listen to the community and have even conducted a poll asking the players what they would like to see and what could be added in their opinion which helped making the game better.

Now lets talk gameplay, I have never played a game with better gunplay, the guns feel so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ good I can't even describe it, maps are really cleverly made with every map having many ways to get to every objective and with some teamwork small groups can easily sneak behind enemy lines and surprise the defenders from behind, as it is often with those kinds of games teamwork is everything and early can one or two good players carry a dysfunctional team.

The game also has 8 unique multiplayer game modes (some are more original then others) and 3 co-op game modes, all of which are amazing.

So lets sum it up, if you are willing to put down the time to learn the game you will have fun, if you are I suggest you stay out of this game.



+Well built maps

+Good community

+Skill based

+Highly rewarding for skilled players


+Many good game modes


-Not friendly for new players

-No single player (If you can consider that a con)

-Some times you will get killed by a camping sniper on the other side of the map (Red Orchestra players will know what I mean)
Upplagd 19 december 2014. Senast ändrad 19 december 2014.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
63.9 timmar totalt (55.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Phenomenal, just what I had expected and more.

After 50 hours I have finally beaten the game and that with skipping some side quests mainly in the second half of the game, Rarely does a game give you so many choices alot of which are tough moral choices that have very real effects on the game, every NPC except on is killable (The commander in Sante Fe), you can play the game in every way you can think of and killing everyone or betraying the rangers are legit options that you can make and they wont stop you from progressing in the game (they will make the game harder though and I am going to start a game where I am going to kill everyone right after I finish writing this) and dont think killing everyone doesnt have benefits, unlike in other games if you kill a marchant all of what he was selling is takeable.

Some people claim that the combat is the weak part of the game but I have to disagree, the combat feels great, it can get annoying sometimes with some extremely hard fights and with some enemies being able to run completely insane distances.

The story is well writen and there is not a single "bad guy" that fights you because you are evil no one is really bad or good, most of the people in the game are in the grey area, they are all driven by ideology,religion or another motivation and even stories of tiny side quests often have interesting plots and twists.

Everything you see is described in a log of sorts in the lower right side of the screen which adds to the over all immersion of the game

No game comes without flaws though, the game is often buggy mainly in the second half of the game, the game also lacks voice narration and has alot of text which resulted in me skipping alot of text, also alot of times when confronted with a moral question by a so called "bad guy" alot of times it felt to me like I can only say that I agree with him or something that sounds like "What you are doing is injust and we fight injustice" when I actually didn't really play the good guy, I was very much in the grey area, doing things the rangers don't approve of and even lieing to my command after killing civilians and often avoiding the peaceful solution and dealing with problems guns blazing and there was not really a good way to represent the fact that what the bad guy is doing has no benefit to me, at least in my opinion.

Over all this is a one of the best games that I have ever played, everything from the atmosphere to the gameplay is awesome.

10 Repaired Toasters/10.
Upplagd 9 oktober 2014. Senast ändrad 9 oktober 2014.
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27 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
26.9 timmar totalt (24.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This is just the best strategy game I have ever played, maybe even the best game i have ever played.
For those of you who dont know men of war is a real time strategy game where you can take direct controll over one of your units and play as him (works like a twin stick shooter).
The whole series is just genious it has fun missions epic battles and even a little element of story.
The missions are like a pazzle and you are basicly free to do the mission how ever you like for exemple: if you need to infiltrate a base you could try tom look for a hole on the fance,you could make a hole yourslef using an AT grenade,you could wait for enemy patrol try to steal theyr tank, you could try to snipe everyone in the base from far away or just try to just walk in from the main door.

this review applies not only on the original men of war but on all the series.

if you havent played it yet u should, no u MUST try it!
Upplagd 10 september 2013. Senast ändrad 25 november 2013.
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Ingen har angett att denna recension är hjälpsam ännu
29.7 timmar totalt
GREAT game, the costumization is huge, the game is true to the real war of the roses and some might say combat is not as good as in other games like this one (chivalry) but i find it good enogh.
Upplagd 5 mars 2013. Senast ändrad 25 november 2013.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
794.2 timmar totalt (524.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd 15 september 2012. Senast ändrad 25 november 2013.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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