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Ulasan terkini oleh The Guy

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A succinct explanation for why this is currently negative:
> Extensively explore level
> Missing a couple secrets, comb over level again
> See secrets in far off areas on the map, but no path seems to lead to them
> Comb over level again
> Comb over level again
> Comb over level again
> Confused, I boot the game with Unity explorer and noclip through the wall to backtrack so that I can figure out what I am supposed to do
> Secrets are impossible to naturally access

Besides this little goof with having unobtanium secrets, I am also going to complain about the loot system, which requires you to destroy everything in a level. It feels very bad to clear a room, then need to subsequently walk around smacking barrels for a loot score which ultimately does nothing. This design philosophy seems to just interrupt the gameplay that is actually good (the FPS combat.)

If you want a good Wolfendoomish FPS, this is pretty good in that regard, and has very polished art, and music that isn't insulting to listen to. I would suggest skipping the urge to explore and complete/clear though, since at this point, the levels are either unfinished, or the system is a cruel joke lol
Diposting pada 5 Desember 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 6 Desember 2023.
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Starting this off by clarifying that I wasn't a kickstarter backer, or even remotely hyped for this game. I received it as a gift from a friend as something to mess around in for a couple hours.

That said, if you are on the fence about weather you think this game might be interesting to you, I am going to suggest not wasting your time.

This game fails in almost every regard to do anything interesting. It has problematic gameplay, visuals, and presentation.

Starting with the presentation, the opening scene has numerous issues in regards to modeling, and UV mapping. Despite allowing you to use your steam account for authentication, you still need to go through a painfully untested account creating process which will involve exiting VR for some users. Getting into game, you are presented with buggy untested combat. Things such as players producing thousands of hit effects force you to reduce the volume. Worse yet, the game has an extremely lazy tutorial, where you're guided by the smallest budget indie voice actress possible. Navigating through the game, you will see countless issues in regards to NPCs and actors. More weird things, like some quests being given in the third person, and some in the first. Goofy, easy to avoid things like characters' feet hovering, and doing a weird dance. It is woefully obvious that the team behind this game put no effort into presenting the game well, I've seen more polished prototypes.

Moving onto visuals, I already mentioned issues regarding modeling, and UV mapping in the menu scene. These issues continue throughout every location in the game that I have seen. Unfortunately, it is worse than that, as there are also issues in regards to skinning (like A posing models.) There are other odd issues like the ludicrously aggressive culling which causes visual issues at high framerate. More things, such as signposts in the game reading "Sample Text" when pointing to a village. More drawbacks, like there only being a very limited number of mobs (Boar, Rabbit, Turtle, Crab, Gremlin, Golem), where variety is created through color swaps. Digging the hole deeper, those sensitive to pop-in beware: at the highest setting, spitting distance visuals pop in. Worse yet, the distance in which textures switch to lower mips is aggressively in front you, and further in front of that. If you can ignore the lack of care, when the game looks it's best, it's at least not insulting? I don't want to be so negative about this, but it's not particularly unique, generally looks bland, but at least the textures look ok.

As for the gameplay, it feels majorly clunky and unintuitive. The first major issue, and insane red flag, is that the game does not support basic QOL like smooth turning. Similarly bad, it does not support having a sizable playspace. Your collision is always nailed to the center of your playspace. Problems like this were solved nearly a decade ago, and are trivial to implement.

Moving onto combat, the melee fighting feels like the kind of "yeah this is what vr can do" prototype that I whipped up in an hour when working with the DK2 back in 2014. That is to say, it's just swinging a hitbox around, with some thoughtless delays put in there. It's utterly awful, and this feeling is compounded by the tweaky, buggy mobs and their unclear hitboxes.
Archery is alright. I guess? It works somewhat better than melee, but it still has that same vibe of being a early 2014 prototype made in an hour.
Spellcasting is pretty much worthless, because of the implementation, you need to sacrifice uptime to do some pittance of what the other roles can do. I tried to wield a wand in one hand, and a sword in the other so I could use the ward spell to become more of a tank, but the game was too clunky for this to work right.

Combat is effectively just a "do an unsatisfying menial motion" simulator. There is limited feedback, and inconsistent, unclear hitboxes. The depth of having a party is just a question of who is currently maintaining aggro. Enemies only know a basic melee attack.

Speaking of a party, I didn't even mention what this game is supposed to be- an MMO! Yeah, there's multiplayer I guess. Some quests even share progress. Is it massive? No. Is it designed to be multiplayer? No. Your party is impossible to keep track of because no visual information about them is displayed besides the list itself. It's trivial to lose track of your friends.
As for how the game actually stacks up to MMO gameplay, it doesn't. Even OSRS has more depth in short and long term gameplay. It feels like the developers just ticked some boxes for surface level implementations of MMO things. Does it have parties? Yeah! Mobs? Yeah! Quests? Yeah! But that is the extent of how deep those things go.
Something neat that the game fumbles is the inventory and compass systems. The intent for the inventory is for you to pull a backpack off of your back, and you poke a little voodoo doll to adjust your equipment. Unfortunately, the implementation of everything regarding the inventory makes it practically unusable. Have fun wailing around trying to find the spot that grabs the backpack instead of the weapon!
The compass has a similar issue, you're supposed to put your palm above your eye as if you were looking out at the horizon. This is a neat idea, but it doesn't work! Most of the time spent trying to use this was having the compass vibrate from active to inactive as my hand moved a micron out of the right spot. That is, if I could even activate it at all.
Speaking of hands, this game doesn't even have bare minimum support for skeletal input. Your fingers pay no mind to your knuckles controller, and there isn't even a basic implementation of FBT. This is really strange for a game that is seemingly social.

None of the gameplay feeds back into the loop. Everything is just haphazardly there. This feels like an indie asset flip made by a 12 year old over the course of a couple months. This game isn't fun. The most awesome thing about it is the png of some other celestial body in the sky. The most engaging thing about it was the friends I played with.
If you're looking for an awesome VR MMO experience, it's not here, there's only slightly edited randomly generated Unity terrain here. I would go as far as to argue that anyone who even suggests this game on any grounds is either pilled, or a liar.

Edit: clarification

Edit 2: Something I forgot to mention, this is one of those games that literally just swaps the left and right controller for their 'left-handed' mode. That is insane, it's not how left-handedness works.

On top of that, I forgot to mention that the player-character movement is extremely clunky thoughtless. It seems like a basic edit to the default Unity character controller. It exhibits classic bugs such as being incompatible with going down slopes, having a strict angular limit for going up slopes (instead of having it correctly use velocity and friction.) Naturally, back-jumping will let you scale walls that you're not supposed to. This is a constant thing that makes the game feel worse.
There are multiple locations in the game where you can get physically stuck because of it, which requires you to respawn (which many players may not even know that they can do!)

Edit 3: I tried to run around for a bit today, since there is apparently a boss that I missed. Unfortunately, it looks like anyone using steam auth cannot log in, despite having an actual mageportal account? It doesn't make much sense to me that you can have 2 account systems, but a fault in one disrupts the ability to play the game. This is an addition to my previous complains about there being two account systems.
Diposting pada 12 Oktober 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 14 Oktober 2023.
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Tercatat 7.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Excellent platforming mechanics with an alright Metroidvania underneath
Diposting pada 28 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 12.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 12.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
this is the best 3d sonic game I have ever played
Diposting pada 26 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 8.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 2.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
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Only a couple hours in, but it seems to play pretty well. Haven't done any multiplayer yet. Certainly room for improvement, but not bad.
Diposting pada 29 Maret 2023.
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Tercatat 17.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 17.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
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The gameplay loop is mid. There are other survival craft games with much more and more meaningful content. The game is focused on storytelling, but the story is unpolished and incomplete. and everything else is not even half-baked. The building system is more free than the first game's, but in comparison to other games in the genre, it is minimal and cumbersome.
The most fun part of this game is exploiting bugs such as butt and book sliding to rocket across the terrain.
Diposting pada 28 Februari 2023.
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Just over an hour so far. Foundationally it seems solid, however it has many issues.
The primary and major issue is that a lot of logic is incorrectly tied to the render loop, or scaled to the render loop when it shouldn't be. For example, your camera rotation speed will vary based on your framerate. In other cases, your physics can go completely insane (you can super jump for example) if your framerate drastically changes during the start of a jump.
For more minor issues, the quality control of the game is almost zero, and the polish is all over the place. Some things were very clearly high effort, but others seem almost dire in the laziness.
The game has horrible optimization, which seems to mostly be rooted in the developer's misunderstanding or lack of knowledge about rendering.
These are all things that can be improved, and I hope that ends up being the case.
I would not suggest purchasing this game if these things will bother you. Otherwise, it's an alright platformer. We need more platformers these days, so I am going to go ahead and give it a thumbs up
Diposting pada 24 Februari 2023.
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Tercatat 10.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 2.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
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Less arcadey COD Zombies with drastically less polish and content. Extremely easy, even when maxing the difficulty.
I would suggest this at the current in the future when it is polished and has more content.

Some positives in my playthrough:
- The map is generally good in the context of the game genre
- The game is heavily optimized
- Most upgrades (weapons, abilities, and passives) are notable, and not redundant
- The story is not a huge timesink
- The game looks generally good

Some cons I had in my playthrough:
- The enemies generally do not make any sound unless they are attacking. Even faint footsteps would be a great benefit to spatial awareness.
- Some of the 'critical points' on enemies do not match their geometry.
- Aiming down sights reduces your movement speed, however does not seem to substantially increase accuracy (which is already great on all weapons.) There is no reason to not hipfire.
- The layout of the weapons near the vendor should be adjusted
- None of the weapons have any fun quirks, they are exactly what you would expect from any generic fps.
- Not every weapon is equal. Many weapons have extremely high TTK at the same tier as other weapons, which have extremely low TTK. Additionally, your Q attack is charged per shot, meaning weapons which have a high fire rate will charge it much faster.
- Some of the story objectives either require an extreme level of spatial awareness, and the dexterity to weave through enemies, or for you to train an enemy at the end of a wave. This should be more engaging.
- Abraham is invulnerable until the boss fight at the end. There is no need for him appearing randomly, and may only confuse players.
- Some of the collision from the map geometry is unusual, and it is easy to trip over it until you already have experience with the map.
- Some HUD elements should be moved for more clarity
- The behavior for player movement is subpar, and does not behave correctly when you are not navigating on flat ground. For example, your movement vector is planar, so moving up a slope will limit your movement speed, because the vector does not get aligned with the normal of the ground.
Diposting pada 15 November 2022.
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Tercatat 6.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
its the best racing game
Diposting pada 13 Mei 2019.
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Tercatat 771.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 155.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan CS:GO
When the cheating problem is so bad that I'm reporting the friends I queue with, then yikes.
Diposting pada 30 Desember 2018.
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