The Kong Quest begins again...

The sequel to Rare's spectacular hit Donkey Kong Country was an inevitability. DKC2: Diddy's Kong Quest more than delivers in its ambitious aim of equaling and sometimes exceeding the standard set by its predecessor. Released at the end of 1995, as the title suggests, this is a quest for Diddy Kong, as he is joined by his lovely female companion, Dixie. Some fans were puzzled as to why the star of the series, Donkey Kong himself, was strangely omitted as a playable character from the second DKC of the trilogy. Regardless, the game boasts lush locales (including a charming sailing and pirate's motif), challenging levels, and an all-around engaging gameplay experience.

Diddy and Dixie set out to rescue Donkey Kong from the clutches of the evil Kaptain K.Rool and encounter a flurry of foes along the way, some making a return from the original DKC, with others making their debuts. The gameplay is constantly challenging and the level design equally complex. Scattered throughout the game's stages are a plethora of bonus stages (with collectible coins as reward) and easter eggs. Players will notice that the levels quickly increase in difficulty, forcing a trial by fire for newcomers. Thankfully, the highly responsive controls that Rare finely tuned for the original DKC have been integrated once again.

DKC2 also looks and sounds a lot like its predecessor, which certainly isn't a bad thing. The atmospheric orchestrated soundtrack returns, providing catchy and eerie tunes alike. Donkey Kong Country boasted some of the most beautiful graphics ever seen on the SNES, and DKC2 does justice to the reputation of its predecessor. Highly detailed, multi-layered and animated backgrounds, smooth and unique character animations and design, mixed with a vibrant and varying color palette provide a feast for the eyes.

While playing a lot like its predecessor, there are also many additions to the game's formula that some may argue make the second installation in the series better than the first. By pressing select, Diddy and Dixie can swap to be the dominant character. Diddy is faster, but Dixie has the ability to glide in the air using her pigtails, making her a better choice for airborne maneuverability. Players now have the ability to both ride on and transform into animals during the regular stages, and not just the bonus rounds. Some features are also absent, like the ability to find hidden items in the ground, or ride the giant steel barrel.

While some gamers may find the gameplay refreshingly challenging (compared to many games over the last decade which more hardcore gamers claim are far too easy), others may find the game's difficulty to be inhibiting or discouraging. There will be times where it takes a couple dozen tries to get past a fairly simple part of a stage. However, the level design is highly rewarding, and any frustration experienced is swiftly soothed by the inevitable wondrous stage following it.

The Verdict
If you love action-platformer games then Donkey Kong Country 2 is a no-brainer. There is a strong chance that you've already played it on the SNES or GBA so you'd know how similarly it plays to the original. Consequently, it's easy to recommend spending the 800 Wii points to anyone who has enjoyed the original classic by Rareware. Who doesn't love blasting from barrels and collecting bananas? Surely no normal person.

8.8 IGN
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