1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
Non recommandé
0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 4,383.8 h en tout (10.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 7 oct. 2017 à 11h05
Mis à jour : 5 aout 2021 à 5h25

Original review

I first encountered Paladins way back in 2017, when it was still in beta and hadn't been fully released and, back then, the game had a ton of bugs and issues that threw me off and allowed me to only enjoy around 10hrs of gameplay before I got tired of it.
Around 2 years later, in 2019, I decided to try it again and was very much pleased with the improvements of a game that had even been out of early access for a while.
Now, I can safely say I really enjoy playing this game. Many characters, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, which allow for different playing styles, and require the player to really dedicate some time into learning each champion individually aswell as the way they interact with eachother in-game.


Review as of 04.08.2021

Being the first-person shooter game that it is, Paladins prouds itself of offering a very healthy variety of champions to choose from and having a card system that allows players to customize and create their own playstyles. It also presents a very active community, full of devoted professionals and players.

That said, what this game has of good, it more than compensates with the bad. As someone that has always played only casual modes through my 700+ level account, I've experienced the evolution of the game as a whole, as the majority of players are casual players.
Much like other games, I've had highs and lows throughout my 3000+ hours of playing this game, but it has become increasingly worse.

From the terrible matchmaking system, that dooms most matches and makes them less than 10 minutes stomps, to players disconnecting every other game, never coming back and being replaced by awful bots, to regularly having stacked teams against teams full of solos, to developers constantly focusing skins and balance on specific champions and neglecting others for a very long time, to the super annoying metas that each update brings, the perhaps naive enjoyment I had when I first started playing has been fading away with the years, to the point where now there's barely any left.

In general I wouldn't recommend this game, unless you're planning on keeping it occasional or you have friends to play with regularly.
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