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发布于:2018 年 1 月 17 日 上午 8:19

Manual Samuel is the tragic tale of an unlikeable rich fart named Samuel. All is well and fine in his world until his girlfriend finds his obnoxious behavior completely intolerable, to which she smashes him over the head with a bottle and he gets scalding hot coffee in his eyes. With distorted vision, Sam ends up walking out into the middle of oncoming traffic and, not so unfortunately, dying. However, he ends up making a deal with Death that allows him to come back to Earth; the twist being that he must control all of his bodily functions manually for 24 hours.

Some have compared Manual Samuel to the notoriously difficult QWOP, I personally like to think of this title as QWOP on muscle relaxers and sedatives. The controls, whether on keyboard or controller, aren't terribly difficult, but they can cause some brain-twisting confusion every now and then. Players can control Sam's inhaling and exhaling, left and right arms and legs, and his blinking. They are then tasked to do every day things such as brushing teeth, getting dressed, taking a shower, driving a car, and annihilating foes in a giant mech suit; all the while rememebering to breathe and blink.

The art direction is pretty plain, on par with a lot of newer flash games that can be found on places like Newgrounds. The soundtrack on the other hand is extremely inspired and fun to listen to. Likewise, the voice acting is pretty good. Overall, the game is very mediocre in both appearance and execution, with the only saving grace being the funny dialogue and narration. Death himself can be somewhat obnoxious most of the time, but he still has some decent one-liners every now and then.

Over the course of about two and a half hours, Manual Samuel provides some brief entertainment. It's a game that's best left played in small doses, as it's not interesting enough to hold one's attention for extended periods of time. Gamers who are looking for more punishment after the main course is over have the ability to partake in timed challenges. Two player co-op is also a thing, where each person controls different parts of Sam's body. While it's not worth the $10.99 CAD full price, grabbing it at half-off on a sale isn't a bad idea.

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