I love gaming so much that I went to college to learn how to program and develop games. Soon, I realized that formal and structured education was highly overrated and with the school shutting down I wasn't able to obtain a degree I paid dearly for. My design and development process only accelerated since the school and now we (myself and some colleagues) are actively working on our first project.

I am an advocate, a strong advocate , of gamer ethic and gaming realism. I still learn tons about game development as a whole whenever I can (as the field continues to adapt and change) and crave absolutely every moment of it.

Darkmind Games
I am also the founder and CEO of a small, independent design/development/publishing company called, Darkmind Games. I have created an affiliated, player-driven Steam group called, Dark Mind Games Beta Testers that has information regarding ongoing projects and potential releases. There is also a company-official Steam group aptly named: Darkmind Games .

Things are really gaining traction now as we push forward with steadfast on our debut project, and soon we plan on you seeing a product from Darkmind Games. When that happens, you're gonna be REAL happy that you were part of our little company in these early years. So, stick around, we're just getting started to a big adventure. ;-)
Nesdonal May 10 @ 1:38am 
Replying late, but I still remember the fight (it was frustrating in the fun way Hunt tends to be). Hope you're enjoying the Bayou, and GL next!
TheFauncyOne May 5 @ 7:40pm 
Appreciate the good vibes. GGs :)
Ladder Guy Mar 4 @ 11:51am 
Hey I just saw your comment, honestly I don't remember this specific match since I've played quite a bit since then, but gg as well.
[DarkmindGames]♟SLIVER Feb 6 @ 9:40pm 
Mass reply incoming...

@Makani: <3 back at ya!

@TechnotunaTTV: Nice! What engine do you use mainly? I'm learning Godot, former Unity dev.

@Pete_Tom_Braun: GGs! Actually I do think that the Sparks was on a different team honestly LOL. But if I'm remembering the correct fight it was definitely an awesome one for sure! Indeed we'll be in the bayou's mud again XD
[DarkmindGames]♟SLIVER Feb 6 @ 9:40pm 
@Le Lenny Face: GGs! Hopefully we can do it again sometime even more epic next time though!

@Twinleaf: Believe it or not, I actually remember this fight. It was a DeSalle fight at the longhouse of Stanley Coal Company. I believe I was running a crossbow that day. Yeah, turns out you guys were 1 of 3 teams to push in at the same time. My wife and I took cover at that longhouse after banishing the boss because we were looting it LOL. Someone killed my wife on the roof and I ran inside to take cover...you and your teammate just happen to come in through the window shortly after LMAO. Yeah, I was running headsman too so you'd be right to think I was "ratting out," on that one, but really it was just wrong time, wrong place actually. Believe me, if I were a rat, I'm sure I'd have a MUCH better KDA than 1.13 LMAO. GGs either way, nothing but love!
Makani Feb 4 @ 1:34pm 