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Neue Rezensionen von Cyan Cobra

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943.6 Std. insgesamt (141.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Bestow your medkit as an offering of peace, and maybe, just maybe... the killer will return the gift of mercy.
Verfasst am 26. November 2020.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
644.6 Std. insgesamt (339.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I used to have a life...
Verfasst am 4. Juli 2019.
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16 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
484.4 Std. insgesamt (484.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This game was way ahead of its time, but it was made too late. 17/10 bring the community back
Verfasst am 26. Mai 2019.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
465.0 Std. insgesamt (1.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
As soon as I started the game I got I got 20 free achievements, so thats a plus.
I've been waiting for this PC release for so long!
It's a really great game. There are constant updates, card releases, and events to keep the game fresh. Also, the developers are always listening to feedback from players, which is really important to the long-term success of a game. Can't wait till they add the standard TCG format and more zombie support!
Verfasst am 16. November 2017.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
60.8 Std. insgesamt (16.3 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I LOVE this game. Originally, I was a bit skeptical about it, even though I have heard a bunch of people rave about it. I saw that the game was on sale, so I thought, "what the heck?" and bought the Season Pass bundle, and I must say this game would still be worth its full price! Amazing gameplay, plot, and scenery! You can upgrade so many things for Booker, like his Vigors, weapons, and stats, not to mention a plethora of other collectibles and secrets to find in the game.

As an avid completionist, I very much enjoy obtaining all of the collectibles, achievements, and upgrades in my games. However, there a few gripes I have concerning the save system of this game. After I have 100%'d a game, rather than returning, selling, or even restarting the game, I keep it so I may look back and relish my achievements. They serve as trophies to me, so I savor those save files, even though there isn't a single thing left for me to do in that game. Bioshock Infinite™, however, has a very annoying save system that can get in the way of that. You see, one of the achievements in this game is called "Scavenger Hunt." To earn it, you must complete 1999 mode without buying anything from a vending machine. I want to get to get all of the achievements, including that one, but in order to start playing 1999 mode, I would have to delete my old save file because this game only allows ONE save file. I would really love to have that achievement so I may have the satisfaction of getting 100% on the game and Steam™ achievements, but having to give up my old save for the sake of that one achievement is completely absurd! Then how would I be able to reminisce my accomplishments and wonderful memories of that particular save file? The special experience I had with it? This is also incredibly inconvenient for me because I was considering to do a walkthrough of this game on Youtube™, but I still really want to keep my personal save separate. This is why I was hoping for three save files so I may have one for my own normal playthrough the game, another for 1999 mode, and a third one for a Youtube™ walkthrough series. I guess the game must have so much content, that they could not fit any extra save files to it, which I would understand, but still a little disappointed about it.

My second gripe with the save system, although a lot less significant than the first one, is that if you miss a collectible somewhere in the game, the only way to go back for it is to reload the specific chapter you missed the item in. The catch is though, your data from where you are currently in the game is not carried over back there, because it reloads the data state you were at that time. Luckily from what I have heard from others, it will not make you have to restart all of the chapters between where you currently are and the one you want to revisit. Instead, each chapter acts like its own save file (though as I stated earlier, I would MUCH, MUCH prefer three simple save files that you can revisit old areas with all of your current stats and items to just nab that one elusive collectible you need there or just re-enjoy the scenery and experience there and go back where you are or something, but, oh well). If the collectible that you are missing is to just look at a voxophone, kinetoscope, or telescope to get the Steam™ achievements, it does not matter because the Steam™ achievements kind of have a “global tally” sort of system that counts progress over all of your saves, even if you decide to completely start a new game, the achievement progress will still and only count for the voxophones, kinetoscope, or telescopes that you find in that playthrough, but have not found in your previous playthrough (however, if you do go back a chapter to get a voxophone you missed in a previous chapter and then you go back to the chapter that you are currently working on, I do not believe the voxophone will be viewable on your collected voxophones list on the game menu since it only counts towards the achievement, but not to the game’s saved collection in any chapter files past that chapter, unless you replayed all of the chapters starting from that certain chapter). Collectibles like upgrades, or even just some money you find lying around in that revisited chapter are only saved to that chapter. If you really want to carry those items to where you are currently in the game, you must replay all of the chapters, starting from that given revisited chapter (as I have stated earlier).

My final and least substantial complaint of the save system, is how often you get to save the game. This is a much more tolerable pain than the ones I have stated earlier, but I will still talk a little bit about it anyways since I am on the topic. Bioshock Infinite™ uses an autosave system and only saves once you have met certain key checkpoints. There is no option to manually save in this game, which can be really annoying if you need to close the game immediately, your computer runs out battery / abruptly terminates the game due to some kind of error, or simply the game or computer just freezes and needs a reboot. You could find yourself losing a half hour or so of progress, which is not devastating, but still enough to be pretty irritating and inconvenient. The game does not even support a quicksave feature (for those of you who do not know what a quicksave is, it is a temporary save on a game so you may continue where you left off like a normal save, but is deleted, or to put it more lightly, removed as soon as you start the game, it is convenient if you need to stop somewhere in the game, but you do not have time to reach an actual savepoint, I apologize if it is a bit of a crude summary).

If Bioshock Infinite™ could have an update that at least fixes the first two problems that I have wrote, I would give this game 1,000,000/10! If they could even add a quicksave feature, that would be pretty nice, too, but I am most concerned about the first two problems, especially the first one. These save dilemmas can get in the way for some of the enjoyment for OCD completionists, like my self, but that still does not change the fact that this is still a VERY excellent game. I am aware that most of my review has been about the negative, but I still stand by my overall positive verdict for this game because there are still so many excellent aspects of this game, but I believe it would be better for you to experience them yourself than for me to just make a long list about all of them. Even if you are reading this after the Bioshock Infinite™ sale has ended, it is still worth every penny of its full price! Besides, you could also always give a little time and wait for it to be on sale once more. Even if you have never played any of the previous Bioshock™ titles, you will still have so much with this awesome, spectacular game! Give Bioshock™ a try! You won’t regret the experience! Stunning visuals, intense gameplay, a deep story, and so much more to explore in Bioshock Infinite™!
Verfasst am 24. März 2014.
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