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Geplaatst: 20 jan 2019 om 8:42
Gewijzigd: 10 apr om 19:44

Since they added the launcher the game has been way more unstable, whenever playing online matches... constant desyncs, hangs, crashes.

New always online drm, installs to %Localappdata%\T2GP Launcher\
So many exploits. Lack of balancing. Loser hosts often kick the winners.
Too much DLC for sale that should've been included in the game at launch or updates...
Not worth the 30EUR for Rise and fall+base game
It can be addictive, but the cut content [features in last game] with basically the only new thing being specializations or w/e which is just that some buildings use a tile rather than just adding onto the homecity
"its not that much new content
I'd say its not worth it
It ads a voting system(vote every 25 turns for a policy) and basic (more basic than the origional sim city) weather system :p
sometimes I have 4 barb camps spawn on my city and my city sits at 1hp until they eventually kill themselves as the city heals 20 and does damage ....
other times theres one camp but it spawns horsemen every turn
their ai is garbage and at higher dificulty just cheats (does bonus damage, requires less turns for research etc) where prince ai (default) will just march an army through your cities and never attack also never uses city defense and will randomly give you settlers and free coin
one match I asked the ai to join a war; you click what does it require it tells you "I will give you 131gpt and join the war for nothing" you click to accept the deal and it goes back to "what does this require" I added 1gold and he accepted
the next guy wanted 1 gold for 70gpt or 20 gold to join the war and 201gpt
So ya the ai is completely garbage
and though firaxis is proud of their voice actors there's literally one sentence thats voiced
the game isnt worth 20$ the dlc isn't worth 15$ yet it's currently 154.92$
they rerelease the game every couple years with less content; more dlc; and maybe 1 new feature
also 40 turns in you can upgrade warriors to swordsman; it takes 6 archers to kill 1 swordsman; a swordsman will 1 hit your city; a very op rush (it takes 1 turn to train a warrior 20 gold to upgrade; archers taken 2 turns and their upgrade comes much later for 90gold) so very unbalanced
the game is also very luck based with barbs/villages/city state envoys
this is why the game has mixed reviews"
Terrible multiplayer community.
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