Keller Casderai Stormgem[™۞]
Suen Yong Qiang   Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Hello everyone, Welcome to my Profile.

More information below.
Information about me
Steam ID:

Real Name: Suen Yong Qiang ( 孙永强 )

Age: 24

Birthday: 19 / 2 / 2000

Continent: Asia

Country: Malaysia

State: Johor

City: Johor Bahru

Timezone: GMT+8

Race: Chinese

Religion: Non-Believer

Hobby: Playing Games, Listening Music, Reading Novel and Manga, Playing with Imagination.

Favourite Games: Left 4 Dead 2, Genshin Impact,

Favourite Games from Childhood: Legends of Mana and Wizard101

Left 4 Dead 2 Marvelous Gaming Point-Reloaded Details:

Status: inactive

Preferred Weapons of choice: Assault Rifle: M16 Sub-machine Gun: MP5 Sniper: Hunting Rifle
Shotgun: Chrome Pistol: Magnum Melee: Frying Pan, Katana

MG PR Level : Level 250 ( Maxed )

MG Class Lvl : Agile Level 5 ( Maxed, First Class ) , Support Level 5 ( Maxed, Second Class )

MG Clan: Timtam Killers

MG Clan Symbol: [™۞]

MG Clan Position: Member


Genshin Impact Details:

Status: Active

Account Created : 28 / 9 / 2020

User ID: 801147690

Server: Asia

Adventure Level: 60

Achievements Completed : 1230 (Max Achievement)
Hoyolab Link:


( Joined Marvelous Gaming since 2013, Absent during 2018/1/1, Returned in 2022/7/26 )


Wizard101 : Storm Wizard ( Level : 80 ) ( Name : Keller Stormgem ) []
( Account Created : January 31 , 2011 )
Nylig aktivitet
31 timer totalt
sist spilt den 26. sep.
4,9 timer totalt
sist spilt den 24. sep.
0,1 timer totalt
sist spilt den 23. sep.
LTK-ray 24. des. 2023 kl. 22.06 
Merry Christmas Suen :pixelprompto::pixelnoct::pixelgladio::pixelignis:
numero thinko 13. juli 2023 kl. 16.36 
your old mgftw screenshots makes me down the knee and cried for a long time, for that was emotional critical deadly damage. specially mute's 'piss off tank' quote, in COOP that never would be happen.
LTK-ray 31. des. 2022 kl. 10.37 
Happy New Year!! bro
LTK-ray 25. juli 2022 kl. 9.44 
well i touching steam will be less very day playing roblox or else xD
LTK-ray 25. juli 2022 kl. 9.43 
well suen you dream is come ture
Keller Casderai Stormgem[™۞] 25. juli 2022 kl. 3.45 
Finally, I got my Computer. Feels like Dreams come true and yet I can't help but feel a little bit empty