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9.4 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 2,599.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (9.0 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2019. aug. 10., 4:06
Frissítve: 2023. nov. 23., 23:37

Note: A lot of people say the community for this game is very toxic, and there is some truth to that ... but it's actually quite tame in comparison to League of Legends, which is a cesspool of toxicity. With that said, I do not feel this game should be put down a peg because of the community, so I will be judging it based on how well it holds up as a game.


  • Gameplay is quite enjoyable for both survivors and hunters, doesn't ever seem to get old.
  • While mechanics are simple, the learning curve and skill cap is intimate if not challenging.
  • You can't brute force anything, making every choice you do count with the time ticking.
  • Survivors can play risky, or play stealthy, and can either be selfless or selfish.
  • You will likely get nervous or scared often, even if you're used to the game eventually.
  • Despite the goals for both parties are simple, there is a lot of mind-games and strategy involved.
  • Each survivor is actually pretty unique, having their own quirk and playstyle.
  • Grinding isn't too bad for bloodgems, and you get decent / nice rewards pretty often after a game.
  • Much variety in each killer and how they play, making them vastly different from one another.
  • Plenty of perks to counter killers, but nothing too strong to ruin the fun for killers.
  • Game can be very intense for survivors, the music and sound is definitely solid in this.
  • You can play this game without having to buy things, since nothing feels pay-to-win.
  • While it does take time to get good items and perks, the payoff does feel satisfying.


  • No mic or communication system implemented during a match, so you have to use outside apps like Discord.
  • Some killers will have an advantage on certain maps, making it harder to outplay them.
  • Starting at level 1, you have no perks or anything, so the grind can be harsh until you hit level 5 and onward.
  • You have to level up each character individually, they do not share level up experience.
  • Survivors can get certain perks that outright make certain killers have a miserable time due to being countered.
  • A killer can go for one survivor and camp them, making their time a crappy experience for certain.
  • While it's not a huge deal, some great content and characters are locked behind a pay wall for license purposes.
  • Sometimes the hitboxes aren't exactly correct, making you feel cheated.
  • There really aren't any other game modes besides the default one, kind of a shame really.
  • Certain things do feel a little unbalanced, which is what I feel generates all the toxicity from people.
  • Survivors have an easier time than the killer, so killers have to work harder to win the match.


Thanks to a good friend of mine for gifting me this game, I got to have a blast with it, and plan on continuing to get better at this game. While it isn't hard to learn, it's is difficult to master from being a survivor, and mastering a certain killer. It does kind of suck having to grind for certain perks and items to have a better chance in game, but you honestly don't need it to win. Most matches will rely on your skill, patience, timing, and choices to determine if you win or not. Hardly did I ever feel the game had balance issues, apart from a few nit picks about something being a bit strong, but nothing serious. Dead by Daylight is especially fun if you play with friends, so do give it a go!


Even after all this time in late 2023, game is still receiving love and it is incredible. It isn't perfect and has some issues, but overall it has come a long way. Deserves the Labor of Love Award,
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3 megjegyzés
Karamell 2019. aug. 15., 19:26 
@Artuurs: Again, if you're going to state things, you need to back those up lol. And if you disagree with my review, you need to state what you don't agree with, not just say it's bs and nothing else. I'm starting to think you're a troll sir.
Karamell 2019. aug. 15., 17:36 
@Artuurs: Would you be so kind as to explain? I also don't get why you came here to tell me that when it has nothing to do with my review. You're contributing nothing at all to the review but to bash someone with no evidence lol.
Karamell 2019. aug. 15., 15:32 
@Artuurs: It can be very toxic, yes. For the most part, I believe the main reason the game can be incredibly toxic is due to how the mechanics are set up. If the survivors wanted to, they can abuse the map layout and do pallet loops, flashlight spams, and all that which can ruin the killer's fun.

However on a fair point, the killer can run perks and tunnel / camp someone to make their experience a living hell as well. I believe the root of the problem is that players can play however they want, but in exchange, it'll make the other person have way less fun. Unless both parties play in a fashion that can be fun for both, someone's going to be incredibly salty in the end :steamsalty: