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Recent reviews by Burningheavy

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45.9 hrs on record (45.4 hrs at review time)
It's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ doom
Posted January 4, 2020.
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225.6 hrs on record (182.7 hrs at review time)
This game is crazy addicting. The moment to moment gameplay is excellent and there is always something to do. That said, the business model needs discussed.

You can easily pay to win. Doing so would completely ruin the fun tho. Building new things with parts you earn is what keeps you going. Also, the first frame you get is completely competitive! My favorite frame is excalibur, which you can start with if you choose. Overall, it's a great game.
Posted April 4, 2018.
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0.6 hrs on record
Simply put: This is the worst game of all time. There is no game! I held down w and took a nap! It doesn't work as intended and even if it did it STILL wouldn't be good. I feel like the devs do actually care about this game tho which makes it kind of sad but really. This is babies first Unity project, something you show your parents, not try and sell on steam.
Posted October 6, 2016.
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6 people found this review helpful
296.2 hrs on record (116.3 hrs at review time)
This is a solid MMO. While the gameplay is a bit old school (tab targeting) it is fun. The class system is awesome! You can be anything simply by switching builds/gear which only costs a small amount of gold (the build switch). The F2P model is very fair. The only annoying thing is the auction house lock for completely free players but you can unlock it for 5 dollars and that 5 bucks can buy you a decent bit of stuff. Some people say making earing slots exclusive to the expansion is Pay to Win, but I disagree. Earings give minimal stats, are obtainable in game, and make zero difference until the very end game. Farming a bit of in game currency instead of paying for a full expansion seems like a decent tradeoff in my opinion. Overall, fun game.
Posted February 27, 2016.
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0.9 hrs on record
The Aesthetic of this game is nice, and I see the potential of the story. The primary purpose for writing this review tho is to inform people. Plug a controller in if you want to play this. The controls are rather bad with keyboard and mouse, mostly because they are unbindable and odd. Camera controls are weird with the mouse and I keep pulling up my camera instead of sprinting because some genius decided to bind it to shift instead of sprint. Fun game, just plug in a game pad.
Posted January 11, 2016.
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