Blu Fish |
(If you would like to add me me please comment why, otherwise I likely won't accept)

Hello and welcome to my profile. I'm an old raffler and a Tf2 player. I was great at spy, at least I'd say so, but I'm rusty at everything now.

Never learned how to rocket jump...

I adopt crates so if you have any send me an offer and I'll give em a good home

A big thanks to Chemoeum for creating the first version of my profile picture, I love it!
Thank you Squidley Studios for creating the most recent version of my profile picture, I love the style!
Salty Snail - TF2 Premium Account Gift
Ace Decker - For Super Meat Boy
And many more unnamed, but not from lack of appreciation!

Crate Adoptions:
Salty Snail (25)
Frank Turner (18)
Resurgent255 (2)
Jester (32)
TheRealJett (35)
laserbear (63)
Christ on a Bike (80)
[SS] Splinxy (16)
Scruffy (10)
And countless others! (quite literally thousands)
記録時間: 0.7 時間
6月20日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 2.7 時間
6月16日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 21 時間
6月16日 に最後にプレイ
Blu Fish | 5月24日 6時31分 
To anyone who sees this, hey! It has been a while but I'm alive and well, I promise. Feel free to shoot me a message, I should get back to you unless I disappear off Steam again. My work these days involves talking to a lot of people very often so a lot of the time I just want to zone out by myself. But for you, whichever old friend this is, I'll make an exception <3
Tea 5月17日 10時41分 
I don't know you, but I hope you are doing great
CabFish 2022年4月8日 10時26分 
Long time has passed
Fuzzy Navel 2021年12月11日 15時11分 
Mr-Fluf 2020年8月9日 7時24分 