2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 212.8 hrs on record (28.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Mar 29, 2020 @ 11:02am

Absolutely doom to its core!

There's no end to the praise towards the gameplay, the combat, the sound design, the character concepts, the visuals and so much more. There are many other reviews for that. I'll instead be focusing on debunking the people leaving negative reviews and saying "tHiS Is not mY DooM". That claim is ridiculous, and that's coming from a person who got into doom through doom 1993, NOT doom 2016. If you're a doom veteran, don't be deterred by these stupid reviews. Listen to people who actually know about doom, people like decino, zero master, civvie etc. As you may have already seen, they all love this game.

"No ammo anywhere": I did my first playthrough on nightmare. I was really expecting to be forced to chainsaw all the time, breaking the whole combat flow. Yet, for 2/3rd of the game I rarely had to even use the chainsaw. I was shocked, how ridiculously crap do people have to be at this game to think the chainsaw feels forced? Everytime I had to use it; it felt natural. It felt like a necessary waveform to the whole rhytm of combat.

"Useless Gameplay gimmicks": The combat flow is phenomenal. The whole combat feels like an intense dance. Nothing feels forced or out of sync. Everything just falls in place so perfectly it's insane. I can't even begin to think why it feels so natural. It's tough to put this into words. But once you get REALLY good at the flow, you feel like an absolute badass, like no game has never made you feel before.

"It's too difficult": Doom is supposed to be difficult. Doom 2016 was stupidly easy. Just look at DOOM II Episode 2 and Final DOOM. Those games were INTENSE. The cool thing about eternal though, is that it's difficult, not unfair. I was almost regretting my choice of going nightmare on my first playthrough. But I noticed eternal makes you better if you're willing to get better. It's really strange how this game automatically makes you better the more you pay attention. During my first few hours, I was getting absolutely rekt. The first slayer gate tore me a new a-hole. But after a few hours, I noticed myself getting better. I was dodging, I was quick switching, I was using combos, I was using all the right tools in the right time. It felt magical. I had never felt this much dopamine in my system playing any other game ever. Once I did the later, more intense slayer gates, I was literally shaking with excitement and rush. THIS is the experience you pay 60 bucks for.

"Platforming is dumb": Remember john romero? In some people's opinions the greatest level designer ever? You know how he designed levels? If you don't, go play sigil. Every corner of his levels, that aren't infested by demons, is instead a puzzle. Keeping the player busy, always - that's the goal. Platforming is supposed to be just that. Besides, the platforming is well done. It's very fun. Well, maybe except for the last 1-2 levels where there's way too much of it. And the swimming, that ♥♥♥♥ sucks. Thankfully there's only like one level with that.

"Purple goo sucks": Agree. Why is this a thing? You don't slow down in a doom game, wtf?

"Story": Honestly, the story is pretty good. It never gets in your way. Sure there are a bit more interruptions present in eternal than in doom 2016 but it's more of a nitpick than anything else. The whole story can be skipped. If you're into story, you WILL be satisfied. The lore is great and you'll only know in detail about it IF you pay attention, it won't be thrown at you.

Look, the point is, eternal is a masterpiece. It's does everything doom 2016 did RIGHT but multiplies it by a million. There's really no way I can go back to doom 2016 anymore because I just can't play so awesomely in that game. You though doom 2016 was fast? wait till you play eternal. Ofcourse, doom 2016 is a great game but eternal is phenomenal.
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