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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 938.7 hrs on record (935.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Feb 10, 2021 @ 5:42pm
Updated: Jan 20 @ 11:50pm

I'm deleting my old review on this game as it was mostly a meme anyway to give a real review of modern Apex.

We're all bored. I cant force myself to play anymore and it's sad because I have an immense amount of respect for Respawn entertainment, but the state of the game as it is currently is so tearfully boring that I have lost the will to play.

The matchmaking was changed and now every single lobby (Ranked or Casual) plays like a sweatfest, and no, it's not because the game has been out so long that everyone is ridiculously cracked. I'm talking me and many others are being put into lobbies of predators from seasons where maybe less than 1% of the game population was pred and just dying to them constantly. I made a collage one night of every time I died and the banners I put inside the collage included players with triple pred badges from the non-freebie ranked seasons and 20 bomb badges, etc. If only 1% of the playerbase has a pred badge and even further MULTIPLE, with TRIPLE DIGIT KILL COUNTS, WHY am I being placed in their lobby? I have an overall killcount of maybe 20,000 having to fight predators every match, so why do I have to fight the best of the best players in casual games? This was never a problem before, and it's dreadfully unfun. Don't get me wrong, I love being challenged and having to improve my gameplay to hold up in games, but when I have to constantly be tested by the actual best players in any queue it's simply not fun and I have no desire to continue getting better when the matches are made this way. Besides, if I wanted to have a more serious game, I would go to ranked.

But wait, Ranked was changed so that everyone is matched with everyone. MMR is non-existent. The ranked badge is literally just another battlepass at this point because it's not a display of ranked progression in which you fought through progressively harder and harder lobbies to obtain your rank. No, it's simply playing in the ranked queue enough times where the badge happens to upgrade. Yeah, if you're better at the game, you will probably get there faster, but everyone regardless of their skill level is in any given lobby, so every game plays the same. There is no difference between a bronze or a diamond lobby because its a mixed bag of player skill and this type of matching will always favor the top 1% of preds. And since now the lobbies are like this, Preds just pubstomp for free until they happen to find the one other squad that might've been their rank. I don't think I can even accurately depict in wording how god awful this system is. Its just sad because ranked and its tier distribution was SOLVED like a year ago, and I have zero understanding as to why they blew up an already working system in favor of this garbage.
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nehi Feb 11, 2021 @ 1:52pm 