Arun Shan
Arun Shanmugam   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hello there! I'm Arun and I'm a hard-core video game addict. I've been playing games since 1992. My favorite game genres are action-adventure, survival horror, action RPG and shooters. Some people call me childish, but they're boring f#@%ers. I believe there's no such thing as an age limit on playing games. I think the phrase "money can't buy you happiness" is complete and total crap. If there's one thing I trust in life, it's that enough money can buy you anything, including happiness. That's not to say that I feel you need money to be happy, you don't. The happiest, most joyful people I've ever met had practically no money (or anything else for that matter) at all. I do not believe in hell as a place you go after you die if you're a bad person, but I do think we are off to a winning start of making our own hell right here on earth if we continue our violent ways.
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