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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 17.8 hrs on record
Posted: Aug 21, 2016 @ 4:25am

If you think you want to have a fun time in a survival setting with three buddies versus a complete stranger, then go play Left 4 Dead 2 Versus because at least that game is somewhat balanced and won't crash every time you play it.

Man, lemme tell you about that time I was in a 4 person queue from half an hour to ONE HOUR *MULTIPLE TIMES* because the devs don't know how to code the netplay. (NOTE: Although as of late, I seem to be getting into matches more frequently. Good job, you fixed a thing.... maybe!) Once you finally load into the game as a Level 20 newbie, you'll be greeted with the map not loading in properly with invisible objects everywhere while facing off a Level 1 Killer with great Killer buff perks such as Iron Grasp and Deerstalker (all Tier 3, of course!) Then, mid-way while fixing a generator, you'll probably crash and lose any pips you had. Tonight alone, I have crashed THREE times in under an hour.

"B-BUT THIS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME! IT MUST BE JUST YOUR COMPUTER/INTERNET!" Don't you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ start. Mind you, I'm not running this game on a toaster. My computer doesn't need to be upgraded at all. Don't even bother commenting on that. I've seen other people in my group of friends also crash halfway through games, mutliple times. My internet speed is 60 Mbps down, 25 Mbps up. Wired, stable connection.

If you somehow MIRACULOUSLY don't crash with a competent team and are about to win, just remember that the Killer can disconnect with no problem, dickdogging you from getting pips. Oh yeah, remember that sweet TOOL BOX or MED-KIT that you brought into the match that the Killer disconnected in? Well, it's gone now because you technically "lost".

I just have no interest in playing the Killer in matchmaking and they are clearly overpowered. Yes, they should be some kind of "OP" because it is 4 vs. 1, but when you have the Nurse that can teleport through walls multiple times or the Hillbilly that is running like Forrest Gump for your bootyhole PLUS an instant down, it gets a bit too ridiculous. Something needs to be done. They shouldn't be as fast or their hitstuns/specials should be on a longer cooldown. Maybe not have as many hooks on the map. Maybe make it so that if you wiggle out of a Killer, he can't just drop you, down you instantly, pick you back up and kill you. Maybe make it so that Survivors can get up by themselves if dropped on the ground. MAYBE the Killer doesn't NEED any perks. SOMETHING. A N Y T H I N G.

"BUT WITHOUT OP KILLERS, NO ONE WILL WANT TO PLAY AS THE KILLER!" Without a balanced game, no one will want to play Survivor. Let me explain just how broken this is. The meta for the Killer is literally: 1. Take down a person, 2. Hook them, 3. Camp them, 4. Repeat. It's boring and you literally cannot counter it as a Survivor -- ESPECIALLY if they take you to the basement. This turns off newer players. The Killers should have a Blood point penalty for hanging around hooked Survivors for too long around a certain distance OR EVEN BETTER, have the Survivor *GAIN* Blood points while they're next to you -- enough to not lose your rank.

"B-B-B-BUT CAMPING IS A STRATEGY! GIT GOOD!" Listen, if you're already super fast, super strong and so superior to the Survivors in every way, then why is this camping needed? It. Makes. No. Sense.

Also: Why do you even rank down once you get to the next level and then lose? It'd be a better system to get to the next rank and STAY at the rank. Maybe even increase the number of pips & amount of BP it takes to get another pip for higher ranks. It just seems impossible for a Level 20 to even stand a chance at the moment. Another thing is that I feel that it is a drag getting to your second perk as a Survivor. Why not have the perks set at 10/20/30 or 5/15/25 instead of 15/20/25?

"WELL, JUST PLAY KILLER BECAUSE HE'S OP AND THEN DUMP ALL OF YOUR POINTS INTO A SURVIVOR!" I shouldn't have to do that to play the game. That's just straight up BAD GAME DESIGN. In fact, the Killer and Survivor Blood points should be totally different (Killer should have like, Corrupted Blood Points that are purple or some ♥♥♥♥.) On one last side note, I feel like the flashlight item is useless because whenever I shine that ♥♥♥♥ in the Killer's eyes, it does jack diddly. Med-Kit and Tool Box are all you ever need.

Now, I'm all for changing my review, but as it stands, this game needs some serious balancing work and bug fixes. I'm pretty sure that anything that I didn't cover, MentalJen did. P E A C E.
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[WdDD] FrosT Dec 23, 2016 @ 1:40pm 
Your pc is just shit haven't crashed once. Only thing that is true that it takes a somewhat long time to find a match. Woohoo what a problem! It hasn't even taken over 5 minutes ever yet for me.
Hepatitis C++ Sep 16, 2016 @ 6:46pm 
Fuck off. Running this on a desktop toaster and 0 crashes so far. Serious.
Secondly, you cant call someone OP with 16 hours into a competitive high skill ceiling game. I nearly always win as survivor.


Its about outsmarting the killer, not outrunning or outjuking. Hide, and if you get spotted, juke, wait, run the opposite direction.
BODEINE Sep 16, 2016 @ 8:17am 
Mate your just shit at the game lol
Alfred Kodani Aug 28, 2016 @ 8:48pm 
- Game almost never crashes for me. I actually moved from L4D to this game because of how much better it is.
- It's called an UNBALANCED game. If it wasn't difficult, I wouldn't enjoy it.
- "Survive with Friends" is a feature demanded by the fan base that the devs readily supplied. Be greatful you have it. There will be some wait time for 4 player queue's because the game needs to find a killer all 4 of you can connect to. The will be fixed when the devs buy official servers.
- Matchmaking is FIXED
- Your connection was bad because you didn't go solo
- NO, you DON'T lose your item if the killer disconnects. It counts as an escape.
- I'm sick of repeating myself but IT'S CALLED AN UNBALANCED GAME!
- There are many tricks/perks/items you can use to get around campers. LEARN THEM

Please update your review
The Flaming Turkey™ Aug 28, 2016 @ 6:21am 
As a killer main, I don't camp hooks as I find it pointless and there's no fun in standing around a hooked survivor, since I like the thrill of the chase. I know how hard it is to rank up as a survivor, but there are matches where the killer is either too stupid to find any of the survivors, is a friendly or is afk (had waaaaay too many afk killers) so sometimes, getting a pip as a survivor can be easy.
Vira Aug 28, 2016 @ 1:37am 
The whole "meta" strategy issue is not a meta strategy at all. You can either act as a bait for killer by staying alive on hook as long as possible and if your team is close enough they can escape, at the cost of your life, in the worst case or even save you should Killer attempt to chase someone else.
And flashlight is not that useless, it's just extremely hard to aim it, but if you do, you can save your ally from Killer's grasp.
Vira Aug 28, 2016 @ 1:36am 
As for bug fixes, it's true alright. As for the whole rebalance thing, it's entirely your opinion. Starting with 20-rank Killers with OP perks, it's up to your own personal skill to evade them, because, hell, I've survived against a guy with No One Escapes Death/Iron Grasp Lv.3 and some another perk, which name I forgot. Point being, you can still win, regardless.
The whole crash thing is a non-existent issue for me, to be honest, thus I never experienced any crash for all the time I played. So I assume it's highly individual.
Regarding Nurse and Hillbilly, you can evade their strikes, as impossible as it may sound.
_ Aug 27, 2016 @ 3:15pm 
they said they fixed that thing when the game crashes you dont lose pip.. bullshit i keep crashing and i keep deranking feelsbadman
☿ Vampyler ☿ Aug 27, 2016 @ 3:11am 
rest in pizzeria
[PGF] Ding Aug 26, 2016 @ 8:25pm 
Stable connection? say: Hello to your high horse

-rep worst review ever