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1 person found this review helpful
3.2 hrs on record
It's fun but also incredibly short. If you don't plan to play the endless mode, it's probably best to wait for a sale.
Posted May 15.
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10.5 hrs on record
Very fun game, very good story as well. My only real complaints is that the English translation is a bit rough at times, but the story was still impactful and enjoyable. The other complaint is that the game does get a bit repetitive with not much shake up in the design.

Otherwise, an enjoyable indie title.
Posted January 28.
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35.3 hrs on record
A fantastic remake, and a fantastic game in its own right. It somehow manages to be even better than the original classic.
Posted November 21, 2023.
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141.2 hrs on record (139.1 hrs at review time)
It falls a bit flat at in Act 3, but it is still one of the best RPGs you can play today. Tons of choice, fun combat, overall just fantastic.

Given Larian's track record, I imagine this game will get a definitive edition in due time, and then the game will truly be one of the all time greats.
Posted September 4, 2023.
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48.7 hrs on record
To preface this review, I backed the Kickstarter at a higher tier and am a semi-regular of the Sabotage Studio Discord server.

This game has a few issues, but overall, it was generally what I wanted out of the game when backing, and I think most people who are looking for a throwback style RPG will enjoy it. Overall I would recommend the game, but it's not without it's flaws.

Visuals and Audio/Music are consistently 10/10. It's easily the best part of this game. The towns, atmosphere, characters, animations, all beautiful. Soundtrack and sound effects are equally beautiful.

The gameplay is generally good, and when it's working well, it really works well. Timed hits can feel impactful, and it feels fun to get them right. Some moves and abilities look fantastic. But, it has a few misses where I didn't care for what they were going for. The combat works on a timed hit mechanic, but I'd say about half of the moves half no real clear indication when you should time the button in the animation, or if that ability even has a timed hit option. I also feel that the game is overbalanced, weirdly enough. It seems to be afraid of letting you be truly powerful. The game is never too difficult, but some moves, like your combos, and eventually ultimate abilities (which is what I mentioned before, abilities that look beautiful), can't be utilized enough because they build up slowly throughout combat. Sadly, too many regular combats will go by without you being able to use combos, because the combat doesn't last long enough for them to build up, and the charge doesn't stay between encounters. When you actually can use them, they are generally not super powerful, and feel underpowered despite ultimate abilities having a huge cutscene leading up to them. I also think that, since moves are tied to exploration and story progress, it does take a bit too long for the game to really get going with interesting mechanics and challenging fights where everything comes together Each character only has a handful of moves, so the early hours of the game can feel pretty same-y in that regard. The later bosses truly shine with interesting mechanics, swapping party members to hit weaknesses, and overall impactful combat. It's a shame it takes a while before the game truly hits its stride with this.

Now sadly to the weakest part, the writing. The characters are generally enjoyable, but some are very one note, and even the lead two playable characters, outside of their designs, are interchangable in terms of personality. A lot of things are delivered oddly or poorly explained, which leaves you scratching your head. I do think some moments have real charm, and are really well done. There are some moments to enjoy here, even some moments I'd consider "great" later in the game. It's definitely not "bad" by any stretch, I just think overall it's a bit uneven. It ends up making it a bit underwhelming for an RPG style game when compared to the games it's inspired by.

Overall, I would recommend this game. It's got its problems, so it never achieves true RPG greatness, but it's generally good throughout, and I was able to sink about 40 hours in to 100% the game. I think if you're looking for a throwback, this will be right up your alley, but in terms of story, pacing, or gameplay, it never hits the monumental highs of the greats like Chrono Trigger.
Posted September 3, 2023. Last edited September 4, 2023.
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13.6 hrs on record
One of the most unique games I've played in a while. Fun gameplay loop and a great atmosphere surrounding it.
Posted April 8, 2023.
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13.0 hrs on record
A unexpected treat to start 2023, Hi-Fi Rush is a game that mixes rhythm gameplay and action combo moves to wonderful results. The story and characters are light hearted and fun, the music is great, and playing it is a blast. Definitely worth buying, or at the very least, checking out on game pass.
Posted February 4, 2023.
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18.7 hrs on record
A great remake of a great game. If you like Dead Space, this is a must play.
Posted January 30, 2023. Last edited February 14, 2023.
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10 people found this review helpful
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74.0 hrs on record
I thoroughly enjoyed this game as a fan of tactics turn based games, and as a big fan of Marvel. For me, it's an easy recommendation if you are a fan of both of those things.
Posted January 17, 2023.
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137.6 hrs on record (137.3 hrs at review time)
Royal is a great add on to Persona 5. Even if you've already played P5 before, Royal adds a lot of great things. Definitely the definitive version of the game, with great PC features like 120 FPS.

The best way you can experience Persona 5.
Posted December 28, 2022.
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