Sh   Guam, United States
Wowee! Don't be toxic! I'm much better at it than you are! I grew up on CoD lobbies, Age of Empires, Dota 2, and League of Legends! I was born in the flame, molded by it, you were merely adopted by it! If you type on my profile while yours is private, you're way too insecure to have an argument with me! I'm actually pretty nice when civility is reciprocated, but my expectations of other people are incredibly low! I'm very progressive, but I'm also pretty edgy! Don't waste your time trying to hurt my feelings! You can't say anything to me that someone else already hasn't!

If you're toxic and you have a private profile, you're a coward. Aw, what are my words gonna hurt your little fee fees? Bring the same energy from the game to dms or profile comments. Otherwise you're soft. If the only thing keeping you from ending it all is me telling you that you're a jerk in a lot meaner words, then you should probably just get therapy instead of playing a competitive PvP game.

Here's a guide to tell if I'm sending you a friend request to trash talk or be friendly:
Public profilers:
I'll say what's on my mind on your profile.
For private profilers AKA pdfiles:
Mirror match is just skill diff. What can I say? If we mirror and I add you, I just want to practice duel later.
If you kill me with something interesting, see above.
If we're mirroring and you hard swap because you're losing, you're getting flamed. Your ego can't take getting skill diffed. If I wanted to have a hard swap battle, I'd go invade. Just say you suck at the weapon you chose and take the L.
ALT-F4 enjoyers get clowned on.
Unlocked players, I see you. I respect you. I wanna be like you. Teach me your ways.
BHS users that get destroyed with quickstep are getting flamed. It's a metaphorical crutch for their very real re tardation.

If you're guilty of any of the crimes listed below, ye shall be flamed and/or blocked. Maybe you can somehow convince me that it's really difficult to use the best weapons + BHS, and we can be friends. Most of the rules I have in place don't include invasions. I would never expect a random person that isn't even looking for a fight to my arbitrary system of honor. It just seems like most players that are above fridge temperature IQ understand there are certain techs that are a little over-tuned, so there's a time and a place to use them. Don't bring BHS to the arena, use quickstep. Do you really need to reposition halfway across the arena after every attack?

I block re tards: it's stupid that I can say stupid, dumb, and idiot but I can't say the scary r word.
input spammers that just use their entire stamina bar while you roll around them
light rollers w/o an interesting gimmick
BHS spammers
Triple Rings spammers
Wave of Piss spammers
Moonveil users- there's plenty of intelligence weapons that aren't absurd in the amount of damage they do. It's too strong. I can hit 2 parts of flaming strike and still do nowhere near the amount of damage moonveil l2-r2 does.
Great rapiers are pretty cringe, but forgivable as long as you aren't sliding all over the arena with the unique l2/ Arguably even more annoying than BHS.
Arena Healers
dual greatspears/naginata users
IGN exploiters
fingerprint shield users
spirit ash users
generally dishonorable and maidenless Tarnished

**New Addition**
I've begun to encounter mentally ill players, and so I will be archiving the best memes

Favorite lolcows:
1.) Reese's Puffs - Meta slave + tbagging + crying about non meta weapons + private profile = greatest intellectual titan of the post-modernist era. clearly has a solid grasp on logic and very capable of intelligent conversation. 10/10 would recommend meming this guy at any time possible. He 's too insecure to make his profile public, but he's okay with exhibiting the behavior he's terrified of on my profile. What an absolutely brave warrior! My condolences to his friends and family.
Angel_Flower Nov 10, 2023 @ 7:47am 
Quiet Aug 9, 2023 @ 8:25am 
sorry I never saw these, boys. GG's.
Lord Hater Jul 29, 2023 @ 2:38pm 
Лучший. Прости что ударил во время жеста
k1ng0fpentacles Jul 29, 2023 @ 12:51pm 
GGs! very fun fight. sorry for the silly games lol
Quiet Jun 23, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
imagine being angry at someone for 3 entire days because you lost 1v1.
Quiet Jun 23, 2023 @ 2:50pm 
can't hold back the tears anymore because a child called me terminally online. TT___TT