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5 people found this review helpful
16.3 hrs on record
Frankly, this game is probably the game i like the least out of my Steam library. I'd go so far as to say that i actively dislike it - to the extent that I would prefer to do literally nothing at all rather than play this game. However, this says nothing to the quality of the game itself, it looks good, it has great audio, incredible performance, and a truly vast amount of ways to play resulting in a rather significant amount of player expression.

My problem instead lies with how this game fundamentally handles combat, as well as how the monetization of the game works. The former is my strongest complaint, as the way this game handles combat is to essentially be whoever shoots first, wins. This is just not something that I enjoy, although admittedly perhaps i would enjoy it if I was better at this game. Most of the time that I encounter another player, I get head shot and then have to sit out the rest of the round - I think most people can understand why I would not enjoy that type of game play, even if it can be attributed to me being bad.

The other thing that I take issue with in this game is the incessant monetization - when I had reinstalled this game prior to writing this interview due to many of my friends nagging me to, it felt like I had installed a computer virus after I got to the main menu screen. There were about 5 or so popups each asking me something along the lines of "Do you want to buy the battle pass?" "New deal on lootboxes!!!" or "There's a new character, take a look!". This is just irritating, at least to me. Frankly, even all that would have been manageable - and potentially even the earlier points about dying too, as there would be more variety with each life - if it didn't cost a rather significant amount of in-game currency to unlock new characters, and that you start out with extremely few operators unlocked. Personally, it is rather insane for a game to demand that not only should it be bought at full price, but then also demand that in order to engage in one of the main selling points of the game - the variety of operators and their play styles - I should need to either pay money or grind out matches in online multiplayer.

Again, though, I will admit that this is not a bad game. It seems as if all of my friends enjoy this type of game play, but I simply do not. As such, I would encourage people to give this game a try - but don't make the mistake that I did, and be hesitant to refund it by thinking to yourself "well, maybe I'll like it if I keep playing". If you don't like the game, you ought to refund it given the option to do so - but by all means, do try the game - as I trust the opinions of my friends, it evidently is a good game, just not really my cup of tea.
Posted February 25.
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1 person found this review helpful
2,476.7 hrs on record (1,241.0 hrs at review time)
Truly, one of my favorite games, and quite possibly one of the best games out there. Its graphics are stylized to the extent where they will never become dated, it offers near unlimited replayability, and the modding community is thriving. Its surprisingly large amount of bosses allows for playthroughs to last for quite a while, and the different classes of armor and weapons allow for multiplayer groups to work as a team and for individuals to play to their strengths. The world generation is unique when compared to most other games, but it can get repetitive after a while, especially on the surface of the world. The houses that you can build for NPCs to spawn in encourage building and creating a main base, which is quite fun. The bosses have unique designs and patterns, which make fighting each of them quite fun. The game also has greater difficulties than just standard, which allow for veteran players to get even more replayability from the game. The modding front from this game, while not being directly tied to steam, includes thousands of mods thanks to fan made modding APIs, with each mod expanding on preexisting systems in the game, like bosses and crafting; with some mods even adding entirely new systems, such as RPG mechanics. With all of this, it's almost impossible not to at least like this game.
Posted June 30, 2019.
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