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Опубликовано: 5 янв. 2021 г. в 13:08
Обновлено: 5 янв. 2021 г. в 13:09

Ignoring the hype and the controversy, this game is really stinkin' good. It has lots of flaws, and you basically require a decent PC to fully enjoy it, or one of the new consoles. The game is missing lots of content, and you can tell certain questlines were cut due to time restrictions. And lots of people have had lots of crashes. But when the game works, and when you're actually playing, rather than reloading saves due to bugs, it's a blast. The writing and characters are super well done, gunplay is solid and satisfying, and creating your ideal build is tons of fun.
If you can run the game, I highly recommend. Thankfully, CDPR seems very set on improving the game, and with free DLC coming soon, I can only feel excited.
And it's gorgeous, even on medium settings.
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