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Опубликовано: 5 янв в 9:47
Обновлено: 5 янв в 9:49

Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
This game here is interesting, to say the least. From the outside looking in, it may seem like your typical open-world survival game, but after playing for a few hours the direction this game is trying to head towards confuses me. From the bizarre game mechanics of discount Pokemon to the incoherent game progression, Craftopia plays around with many different ideas. While cool ideas on paper, they don't pan out well during gameplay.
The fundamental thing that keeps bugging me during this playthrough is the lack of polish. While I understand this is an early-access game, developers should focus more on polishing up what's currently in the game. Rather than adding half-baked content, the priority should be to improve the core things, such as the janky movement/combat.
I would give this game a mixed rating since it has potential but it is being kept back by its duck-taped systems.
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