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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,191.4 hrs on record (858.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Apr 26, 2016 @ 10:12pm
Updated: May 26, 2020 @ 4:29am

This game has on and off been one of my favorite games since its launch in 2016, but it has lowered in quality so much these past few years, and Ubisoft could care less because they are making bank off of it. Ubisoft has completely ignored this games awful glitches, bugs, and cheats that have been around for years (and new ones that come every update) such as the bug where your drone wont spot the bomb when you are looking right at it, which has been in the game for so long it feels like its been there since launch or at least year one. That is just an example, and is pretty harmless, but ones that plague this game to this day are awful hit registration (due to bad netcode and servers), and the lack of region lock in the game. I swear since the Skull Rain season of this game back in year one, the hit registration has been the most broken hit registration I have ever seen in a video game. I have countless recordings of blatant errors that caused an unfair deaths in ranked and unranked game modes from the past 3 - 4 years. It's an issue that should not be so prevalent in a competitive game of this scale. Now on top of this issue, the fact that the game is not region locked makes the problem far worse. I can guarantee that one in every three games or more that I have played of ranked this season, and the past few seasons that I have played, most, if not the entire enemy team is made of ping abusers from Asia, with 110+ ping. This gives them an enormous advantage over anyone with a normal ping from 1-70 when peeking corners or angles, or when just shooting at enemies in general. Since their ping is higher, they have an advantage when peeking, and can literally see and shoot me on their screen before the server even tells me they are there. I have died from invisible Asians too many times, and it is actually so stupid that to change what server you connect to, you only have to edit one line of command in one file, and the game does not consider it cheating. If getting an unfair advantage over your opponents isn't considered cheating, then I don't know what is. Now onto the grand finale of why this game is not worth anyone's time anymore who want's to take this game seriously in a competitive way (ON PC), cheaters. The amount of cheaters that I have seen in this season alone (Void Edge is the current season) is astonishing. Its more than ever before. This season I played in mid Platinum 3 ranking for most of my play time, and I was being paired up with Diamond and Champion ranked players with 4+ KDs. I have logged in constantly to the notification saying "MMR has been added/removed due to cheaters", making it impossible to progress fairly through the game. If my MMR is 3380 (mid Platinum 3), why is the game matching me with 5000+ MMR Champion players you may be asking. That's because a Platinum 3 player at the minimum MMR can que up with a 5000+ MMR Champion player no problem. Most of the players in Champion rank are hackers because its the highest you can get, so if you aren't getting banned, why not make yourself the highest rank in the game! It's not like Ubisoft cares anymore! So to sum it up, this season has been consistently riddled with Champion cheaters with level 40 accounts, Asian ping glitchers who kill me behind walls, and Elo boosters. I have played maybe 30 matches that didn't have one of these problems out of my around 120 total matches this season. I give up trying to support this game if this is what its future looks like.

F in the chat for this game that I have supported since launch. This is a message to Ubisoft saying that I care about this game and want to be able to play it again in the way It was intended, without all of these things that you have let slide for years.
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