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1 person found this review helpful
54.8 hrs on record (26.2 hrs at review time)
Fun game, but it is grindy. Combat is shallow and generally so is the story. I can really only recommend it between 50 to 75% discounted. I think this would be a fun game on a handheld on the steamdeck on the go. Budget-wise i think they spent too much on voice acting and on that opening anime music video. More money should have been invested in making the gameplay loop more robust.

The game has a gimmick regarding character switching mid-dungeon. It allows you apply stat buffs based on the character class. This system forces you to play characters which you may have no interest in playing. You also need to level each character separately to make sure your swapping character can survive at least 1 dungeon floor. This feels intrusive to the gameplay.

Combat is basic; you have 7 characters each with their own weapon type. You have your 1 string normal attack and you have 3 skills. Some moron should have told the combat designer to use the LT button on the controller to give you a second layer of skills. in total you have 9 skills (3 per class on a character) and you can only access 3. They wasted the RT button on item pick up which they could have used for a 3rd layer of skills. No option for automatic pick up of equipment loot.

After you beat the main story you have a dungeon that appears to be an epilogue (true end), this is where the 3rd character classes are unlock, and then the game lets you replay all the dungeons again on a harder difficulty. You get stronger loot on these harder difficulties, but they appear to be rehashes of the weapon models on the normal difficulty. The equipment loot system is also very flawed, very RNG and legendary weapons can have RNG not to include an element slot.

Overall the MSRP is overpriced. Do not buy any of the DLC, they are of the fast track start weapon variety you push you ahead; this is predatory and the developer should be ashamed of themselves. If you want to cheat just use cheat engine.
Posted May 11. Last edited May 11.
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12 people found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
You tried to make a lewd hack and slash but it is missing the lewd. No boob physics no panty shots. The UI is some bad recycle of a mobile game UI. Can't even preview the lewd outfits you have available for unlock. Why is there no controller support for a hack and slash arena game; this is like the staple of the genre. Keyboard and mouse support is very half baked. There are clickable icons that have smaller click zones than the images so you end up mis-clicking things.

This game appears to be some kind of free demo to advertise their greedy gacha idle game. If you actually wanted something similar to this then it has already been done with much better production value and development effort with enough lewd, booba and very good hack and slash gameplay to cover that katana-chunnibyou syndrome:

Posted May 5. Last edited May 5.
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4 people found this review helpful
4.9 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
While i like the general gameplay of a mix of MOBA and RPG this demo is a piece of ♥♥♥♥♥. There are bugs in the demo that essentially soft lock you out of managing your characters, equipment and items. This means that your progress is borked; reloading save files and restarting game did not fix anything. The final game for all you know might be fine, but for a first impressions this is really bad.
Posted April 28.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.8 hrs on record
go play it, very chill game. recommend a controller so that you can kick back on a bed, char or couch, but the game keyboard and mouse support regardless.
Posted April 3.
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31 people found this review helpful
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163.7 hrs on record (61.2 hrs at review time)
I thinking of writing more, but the game doesn't seem to be in a good state from a technical level so it's a short one. Content is there but it is generally unpolished and could use a balance pass in terms of growing adventurers with bloodline material items. For what is here I can say it is worth that 17 CAD, but at as you progress in the game the CPU gets hammered by un-optimized code as you gain more and more npcs, with more and more structures and more enemy npcs.

It's as if the more you progress in the game the more cpu bottle necked you are. I went from start of the game 120 fps to 20-30 fps as of the 61 hour mark. I enjoy the game and will continue to play it, but this is near the point of unplayable, so buyer beware.
Posted March 30.
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14 people found this review helpful
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74.3 hrs on record (57.0 hrs at review time)
Giving this a negative review until they fix the game. It's not that the game can't be fun its that the most recent update seems to have stripped what fun was there. The game was in a better position in terms of enemy balance and counter play prior to the first balance patch. Game's not bad but could be better.

I also I would like to say that combining the game shop with premium shop is outright predatory and the fact that acquiring the premium currency via gameplay is slow further reinforces what arrowheads priorities are. They also tacked on premium armor on rotation which is a form of FOMO; some options of passives are not available on certain armor types at the moment making this P2W. If you have issues with impulse spending and FOMO I highly discourage you from buying the game. They also have the same scam where you can only buy premium currency in defined amounts which means you'll always have some left over result in giving the devs more money then you were actually going to spend.

Stealth buffs were given to enemy Ai, spawn rate overall damage to the players. Supposedly armor has been fixed, but somehow players are taking similar and less number of hits to die across light, medium and heavy armors than before.

Still seems to be lack of variety in counter play of armored units and general enemy units as a whole. Anti-material rifle is unless as an example. Expendable anti-tank and recoil less rifle don't seem to fulfil their roles as armor strippers/penetrators or at least not within a reasonable number of shots. Autocannons are useless against Bile titans. Still trying to figure out why the arc thrower exists and why the FF on the flamethrower is so high before you just end up killing yourself. (you can melt chargers and yourself i guess?). So they nerfed the 1 AT option that was the railgun and then increase the armored unit spawn rate while also not buffing other AT options that were under performing; sounds malicious and people that have a stick up their ass.

Now the question is what were Arrowhead balancing for when they nerfed the railgun because honestly it feels like they don't play their own game or they are playing a completely different version then the live game. There is an active bug where if you are in a game with a PSN host you as a PC player can in fact 2 shot bile titans in the weakspot with a slightly charge unsafe mode railgun. You would think this is unintended, but the devs have not acknowledged it and still haven't fixed it. for the record I've tried putting 10+unsafe charge shots into a bile titan and it would not die in a PC hosted game.

Robots, I don't even want to play them right now. Too much aimbotting and too much rocket devastator spam. 1 shot aimbot rockets all day long. You will almost die the moment you spawn off the hellpod.

This is based on my playthroughs on difficulty 7 suicidal. Enemy armor and hp does not change across difficulties and when I am already being chased by 3-4 chargers and 2-3 bile titans simultaneously i think the gameplay experience only shows further problems on difficulty 9.

As a PvE co-op game there needs to be variety and counterplay to enemy design. This helps with gameplay fatigue and overall gives the sense of fair challenge to the player when they learn of unique ways for enemy take downs. Kiting 24/7 is not fun and neither is spamming eagle / orbit strategems especially if the devs are so tone deaf to add a modifier to +100% cooldown of stratgems after having the gaul to say support weapon nerfs were to promote "stratgems" use, but then nerfing that too.

Posted March 11.
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12 people found this review helpful
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35.8 hrs on record (35.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Current state of the game is worth the price and is a full game with content.

Why am i rating this negatively? Because the dedicated servers are experimental and 1 update borked my character save. High priority when it comes to having a tool to transitions co-op/single player progress to dedicated server and overall dedicated server stability when it comes to character saves.
Posted January 27.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
While the quality of the content is good enough, nothing amazing, the quantity does not justify the price tag. 50% of the MSRP seems more fair.

The expansion is not tied into the main game and you play it with predetermined levels, gear, items, artes, and titles; generally all artes and titles are acquired for you but need unlocking again. Though at no point i felt like i was purposely grinding exp, I was playing on hard, if you are like me that already 100% the main game then you are more or less forced to replay content for unlocks; that is re-unlocking title traits. I had OP broken level accessories which i spent nearly the whole of the base game grinding and building which is not carried into the expansion and forcibly told if you want OP accessories in the expansion then do it again. Had to reacquire existing weapons and the only weapons which have new models are the new endgame weapons. I could go on, but the gist is that you are forced to play from level 70 to 100 with no new gear aside from the last set and have reacquire your gear. Fell arms (after-story weapons) don't even get a fresh can of paint.

The World itself is cut down and reorganised with access to some main cities, some highway roads, 2 medium sized dungeons and 1 Final dungeon. There is ALOT of reused assets here; makes sense, but they could have at least made new assets for the dungeons.

All the budget in this expansion went towards story elements, side-story elements and and voice acting because everything else combat wise is the same. The story is interesting enough and the world building lore potrayed in the side quests had some effort put in.

Game still doesn't have Ultra-wide support which is a shame really because this bloody the MSRP is 40 CAD+tax. This update also broke all previously working workarounds that got ultrawide working so that's fantastic /s.
Posted January 4. Last edited January 4.
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5 people found this review helpful
136.6 hrs on record (133.1 hrs at review time)
This game is well worth the buy at MSRP and a steal at the steam discount pricing.

At this point this game is a classic. You can call it the culminating game before the Tales of studio Symphonia team disbanded after the merger of Bandai and Namco. This game is pretty much the prototype for all the current generation Tales of games. You have the refinement of the previous game combat system and alot of the experimental type systems that have been kept and refined in recent games like Zesteria, Beseria and Arise. A game with a good story, likable characters, good amount of character development and great combat system
Posted December 27, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
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136.1 hrs on record (111.4 hrs at review time)
It's a good game, but not for everyone because of the genre. This review is short because i can't be bother to put in excessive effort for steam nominations tasks.
Posted November 26, 2023.
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