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794.4 hrs on record (778.4 hrs at review time)
I'm not really sure how to review this so I'm just gonna give my opinion and my experience with this game. I think the concept of the game is great, the idea of 4 people roaming a small open map as a team and completing various objectives, using things like airstrikes and orbital bombardments. The gunplay and various animations are also fairly well done, mag dumping a horde of bugs feels good (at times). Weapon balancing doesn't feel good, as in most of the weapons feel sort of lackluster and there's just a handful that are decent. I think the idea here is that all the other "crappy" weapons are simply there to make the "less-crappy" guns stand out more. I did say that magdumping hordes can feel good and that's true but only if you and your whole team start firing into a horde. I get it, you can't have a gun that's too powerful otherwise you just run around killing everything, but this approach feels equally "boring", as long as your team stays together enemies start dropping like flies.

You can't really flank enemies either as the ai director thinks you're breaking off and running solo so it starts spawning endless patrols that beeline directly to you. There's also this really infuriating mechanic of being chain-ragdolled, as in you get hit, ragdoll, but before you can get up (there's an animation for that btw) you get hit and ragdoll again. Wanna call in a orbital bombardment or an airstrike? Something (who knows what) causes you to ragdoll and drop it, thus wiping your team and not even hitting the factory strider you were targetting.

All of these things wouldn't even be so bad if it didn't also feel like the developers were going out of their way to try and punish players. I'm sure it's happened to others, where it seems like every single enemy in the game is ignoring your team and simply aggroing on you despite the fact that your team is shooting them and you're behind solid cover (large rock, concrete barrier etc.). The worst is being set on fire by a hulk but also being prevented from diving to extinguish yourself so you HAVE to die.

Despite all of this I'm still gonna play, maybe I'm highly regarded or insane enough to stick around and keep playing, I don't know. Uninstalling feels like giving in to the devs or whoever is responsible (for this mess, little half life scientist joke lol) and I don't really like that. I have no way to reach out to them either (aside from discord and I refuse to join their discord) so I leave this "review".

TL;DR: Game is ok, shooty shooty bang bang is ok, levels are ok, devs or maybe just one dev is not so ok. If you're a solo dolo, probably not the game for you (unless you a real g), but if you got mates, yeh it's aight. Thanks for reading, have a wonderful day.

Edit: So it seems that 1 person on the team is responsible for the horrible weapon balancing, I hope something is done about it because it seems like most of the problems with the game can be traced back to the terrible balancing of weapons and how useless they feel against the enemy.
Posted May 15. Last edited May 17.
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496.1 hrs on record (457.0 hrs at review time)
bruh game sux but its actually pretty good so idk ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ download it and play it you cuck boi soy boi feminazi somethinh something ♥♥♥♥♥ boi
Posted December 26, 2018.
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