Federated State Of Micronesia, United States
Currently Offline
Important Conditions.
Friendlist conditions
* You are not accepted when:
- Profile private or level 0
- Suspicious scammer
- You're full retarded
- Lil' scumbag with low IQ
* I'll delete you from friendlist when u are offline more than 17 days
* Changing profile names/IDs very often, delete.
* You don't like me, then delete me and i'll delete you, ty
* When speaking estonian then u need to use umlauts.

* How to plant the bomb?
When you go to A then you need to sit there and wait enemys 5-15 seconds and then left click mouse and hold it 3.8 seconds.
But when you go to B then you don't need to know how plant, you're already dead.

* Do you sell your skins? If you have one...
Ofc, but u always go first.

Thanks for reading!

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