Zombie Master: Reborn ZMReborn
Zombie Master: Reborn ZMReborn
31 lipca 2017
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Changelog (2021/06/12)
Beta 6

- New weapon: R700 rifle, a powerful but slow sniper rifle as an alternative for the Winchester rifle.
- New sledgehammer alternative: fire axe. Only a visual change currently.
- Most weapons have been remodelled & reanimated.
- New shader: PBR (Physically Based Rendering). Can be used on both brushes and models.
- New official maps: forestforthewicked & debunked.
- New item crate models.
- More music tracks.
- Burning zombies and objects emit light once again.
- New and improved weapon bobbing.
- Main menu music now plays in the loading screen as well.
- ZM’s resources now grow constantly, instead of having to wait a period of time.
- Added main menu video background.
- Added a new loading screen.

- Added radius select (zm_cmd_select_radius). binds to the middle mouse button by default.
- Players can now change how zombies behave to emulate 1.2.1 behavior (zm_cl_zmcontrolstyle-cvar). 0 = default ZMR behavior, 1 = zombies are less stubborn and will finish their commanded action before chasing an enemy.
- Fixed unit double clicking (same type selection) not working properly.
- Fixed ZM view scroll getting stuck in certain circumstances.

- Immolators now set ALL props on fire. EVEN EXPLOSIVES. See: zm_sv_immolator_burn*-cvars.
Immolators get hurt by water again.
- Improved zombies’ prop swatting scan logic. They should no longer attempt to swat obstructed objects.
- Zombies will now attempt to swat props around it if they get stuck.
- Banshee leap hitting a survivor held object now forces the player to drop said object.
- Zombie spawn nodes are now used in order instead of randomly to prevent using the same nodes constantly. (certain maps relied on this ordering mechanic)
- Zombies will again try to go around other zombies if they encounter slowpokes.
- Updated Immolator running animation.
- Fixed zombies being dumber than usual at pathfinding on the Linux-platform. -_-
- Fixed banshees starting a leap in the air.
- Fixed some edge cases where the zombies' claw attack wouldn't hit survivors.
- Fixed zombies teleporting to world origin if spawned stuck.
- Fixed zombies not being affected by upward push force if they were on ground.
- Fixed zombies being able to swat props super far away after initiating a valid swat.
- Fixed trigger_zombiespawnvolume-entity spawning zombies inside walls.

- Increased maximum zombie population from 50 to 70.
- Lowered Shambler cost from 10 to 8.
- Increased pistol reload time to fit the animation.
- Improved shotgun hit detection. This makes them a lot more viable.

- Added some custom textures by Citizen_001. See folders: materials/zmrtextures_*
- Added inputs to modify info_zombiespawn and info_manipulate values mid-game. (Thanks Blixibon!)
- Entities can now be set to a team. If that team is ZM, zombies commanded to that entity will not try to attack/swat it. (Thanks Blixibon!)
- Added !zm for accessing the current ZM. (Thanks Blixibon!)
- Added env_sprite_clientside-entity. This entity doesn’t use valuable edict slots.
env_sprite-entities no longer uses valuable edict slots if they have no parent or targetname, and instead spawn client-side.
func_ladder-brush entity has been added.
- Weapon player animations can now be configured with the “player_anims” value. See weapon_example.txt for more info.
- Added InValue*-inputs to info_objectives-entity. You can now, for example, chain math_counter with it: math_counter, OnValue -> info_objectives, InValueMainArg
- Deprecated info_objectives-entity Update-inputs. The entity automatically displays new text changes.
func_precipitation-entity supports snow again.
- Physics prop’s preferred_carryangles-option should FINALLY work.
- Fixed weapon config “firerate”-key not using sequence duration (values < 0) on most guns.
- Fixed game_ui-entity not deactivating when the player changed teams or died.

- Remodelled shotgun & rifle ammo boxes.
- Zooming-in with the Winchester uses the model's ironsights.
- Weapons now use damage fall-off instead of having a max range for the bullets.
- Players can no longer rejoin to exploit the late spawn mechanic.
- Added snow particle system.
- Improved main menu for other languages.
- Disabled anti-afk system for listen servers when playing alone (mappers rejoice!).
- Disabled game start intermission time for listen servers (yay for mappers again).
- Updated rain particle system.
- Improved nearby func_precipitation detection.
- info_loadout-entities now spawn alternative weapons as well.
- Increased flashlight recharge rate, now ~4.2x faster.
- Replaced 'npc_create'-command as a copy of 'zm_zombie_create' + improved autocompletion
- Added ‘round_end’ game event. (fixes SourceMod mapchooser compatibility)
- Renamed zm_hidden_* cvars to zm_sv_hidden_* be more inline with other cvars.
- Added lead developer and contributor importances.
- Renamed ‘Trusted’-importance to ‘VIP’.
- Updated importance list.
- Updated credits.
- Added a very important and historical command back into the game.

- Fixed the nexttoken RCE exploit.
- Fixed a client crash on quit.
- Fixed players being able to prop fly with their fists :-)
- Fixed survivor skybox fog getting overridden by ZM specific fog.
- Fixed players playing walking animations when standing still on a moving platform.
- Fixed spawn and manipulate sprite mats artificially incrementing refcount warning.
- Fixed crouching in the air jerking the player’s view.
- Fixed alternate weapon system not spawning other weapon types from crates.
Fixed point_spotlight not freeing its edicts correctly when killed. (Partially fixes zm_carnage2)
- Fixed voice options unticking itself in the options menu.
- Fixed zombie animations not playing when ZMing outside the playing area.
- Fixed 'momentary_rot_button' type entities being affected by player's ping.
- Fixed mapper placed weapons staying frozen in air even though the constrained option was never set.
- Fixed ultra rare entity name match bug. bman is now playable :-D!
- Fixed transient nav areas getting unblocked seemingly randomly.
- Improved transient nav area block detection.
- Fixed low FOV values flipping the viewmodel upside down.
- Fixed janky player soft collisions.
- Fixed player’s view height getting stuck when crouching while being uncrouched.
- Fixed being able to reload weapons by dropping them.
- Fixed pump weapons’ reload animation ending abruptly if reserve ammo goes to 0.
weapon_shotgun and weapon_crowbar entities are now replaced with their ZM counterparts. (you may have noticed some crowbars/shotgun not being equipable on a rare occasion)
- Fixed blockable platforms being blocked by intersecting players with soft/no collisions.
- Speculative fix for moving platforms damaging players with high tickrates.
- Speculative fix for certain maps crashing the server on round restart due to point_template mishandling.
- Speculative fix for the VR mode being automatically enabled for some people.
- Speculative fix for the voting HUD sometimes staying visible forever.
Setting up a dedicated server (Windows/Linux)
Are you still working on it?
Changelog (2021/06/12)
Beta 5

- New weapon: over-under shotgun (accurate 2-shot shotgun)
- Particle system rain
- New player model specific arm models
- Updated sounds (weapons, hud and footsteps)
- Post-processing effects
- Item specific crate textures
- Main menu music

- Pistol nerf: decreased pistol magazine size from 20 to 16.
- Shotgun buff: decreased pump time from 0.8 to 0.65 seconds.
- Rifle: Increased reserve ammo cap from 21 to 22.
- ZM’s physics explosion disorientates and slightly pushes players.
- Banshee can now only do its “fast” claw attack up to three times instead of indefinitely.

- ZM's mousewheel move is now bindable, but players using older configs will not have them bound. Go to your options and bind them.
- Don't be surprised if the music volume is high, the volume can be lowered in the options.

- Weapon config overhaul
    * See and edit values easier.
    * Mappers can use custom weapon configs as well.
    * Players can edit their personal weapon settings (viewmodel/sounds) more clearly.
    * See weapon_zm_example.txt for full list of properties.
- Shooting creates a dynamic muzzleflash light.
- Ammo can be picked up past its reserve cap if weapon magazine is not full. (RESERVE CAP + (MAG SIZE - BULLETS IN MAG))
- Molotov uses a particle effect. (still WIP)
- Updated molotov lighter fire texture.
- Updated ZM orb models to be higher quality.
- Updated shotgun viewmodel textures.
- Updated shotgun and pistol worldmodels.
- Added more voice lines.
- Brought back thirdperson sprite muzzleflashes.
- Zombie skulls are now spawned on the client.
- Other slight networking optimizations.
- Applied env_projectedtexture fixes.
- Sound cache is cleared on game start if new update changes sounds.
- Smarter survivor bots.
    * Shoots smarter.
    * Follow other players.
- Clamped player target id name to screen.
- Certain old cvars are linked to new ones to fix certain old maps.
- Tweaked viewmodel materials.
- Tweaked viewmodel lighting.
- Devs have colored names in chat.
- Added tooltip to importance tag in scoreboard.
- ‘+attack3’ is now considered a survivor-only command.
- Updated game icon.
- Added bot_teleport and bot_goto_selected commands.
- Added basic SourceTV support.
- Added unused Banshee leap screams back.
- Fixed certain conditions locking zombies’ scheduling, making them not move.
- Fixed zombies prioritizing swat object over enemy that is closer.
- Fixed mouse bindings getting stuck when playing as the ZM.
- Fixed prop climbing.
- Fixed client shooting direction being slightly off with higher pings.
- Fixed zombies' default animation not being idle.
- Fixed fonts not falling back to a working font. (fixes main menu not working for other languages)
- Fixed not being able to pick up thrown ammo if it hit water.
- Fixed prediction errors when auto-reloading a weapon.
- Fixed firstperson muzzleflash sprite of multiple viewmodels.
- Fixed weapon world model attachments being wrong. (fixes thirdperson tracer origin)
- Fixed rifle "double" reload sound.
- Fixed weapon firing sounds randomly getting cut-off.
- Fixed being able to keep a hidden zombie spawn open.
- Fixed wrongly named "Enable" input on multiple entities (from "Enabled")
- Fixed drag-selecting zombies in Linux.
- Fixed leech sounds continuing after death.
- Fixed main menu in-game state being wrong when reloading (eg. changing resolution).

- Zombie spawn volume (trigger_zombiespawnvolume), uses a brush instead of nodes to spawn zombies.
- env_projectedtexture is now usable.

- Any melee weapon with AE_ZM_MELEEHIT animation event may have a "delayed" attack.
- Any melee weapons will play ACT_VM_MISSCENTER/ACT_VM_MISSCENTER2 if one exists and a hit is not detected at the start of the swing.

- Fixed edict limit crash that happened exclusively on round start.
- Fixed movement anims not being updated if zombie had no activity.
- Fixed zombies not knowing where to go when spawned really high off the ground.
- Decreased Drifter health.
- Decreased revolver damage.
- Decreased crowbar damage.
- Fixed zombies seemingly seeing through certain objects.
- Fixed ZM vision dynamic light flicker.
- Fixed the still player being pushed when soft collisions are on.
- Fixed client crash.
- Fixed importance check.
- Fixed team key binding.
- Fixed scoreboard muting.
- Fixed AI ignoring humans when certain conditions were met.
- Fixed AI moving slower on slopes at certain angles.
- Fixed AI getting stuck on complex surfaces.
- Fixed AI "snapping" on complex surfaces.
- Tweaked AI threat investigation.
Hotfixes (2019/04/25)
Changelog (2021/06/12)
Beta 4

- New main menu
- New mac-10, pistol and shotgun viewmodels.
- ZM and survivor bindings can be separately bound.

- Added Shambler gender equality.
- Zombie types have different spawn delays. (shamblers spawn faster, hulks slower, etc.)
- Zombies move towards weapon/player sounds in offensive mode, instead of simply attacking.
- Decreased Immolator's "touch of death" health cap to 2.
- Fixed zombies ignoring ZM swatting command if an enemy is known.
- Added missing pain/death sounds.
- Randomized walking animations some more.
- Tweaked zombies' health to hit old breakpoints.

- Combined Fists and Carry to a single weapon: "Hands".
* Use zm_cl_drawhands-cvar to hide them if you prefer "the carry look".
- Partial ammo can be picked up from ammoboxes.
- Increased shotgun damage and spread, decreased pump time.
- Rifle and revolver can penetrate zombies and the world.
- Increased rifle and shotgun viewpunch. (for that one person that kept nagging me)

- Hidden spawn changes: (spawn hidden zombies faster and cheaper.)
* Hotkeyable. (Default: R)
* Hidden spawn cost is based on proximity to other zombies.
* You can no longer spawn close to survivors.
* Map fog counts as vision blocking.
* Hidden spawn mode has a visual aid.
- Uncapped zombie selection limit.
- You can select zombies of the same type by double clicking.
- Added option to switch mouse buttons.
- Alternative mouse buttons are now bindable. (mouse3/mouse4/mouse5)
- Improved spawn menu.
- ZM can use hotkeys to spawn in spawn menu. (1-5, hold ctrl for 5x)
- Mappers/servers can define fog for ZM separately.

- Discord Rich Presence
- Added item replacement system. Modify map items through a script.
- Important people have a small icon in the scoreboard.
- Behind the scene changes to the tip system.
- Fixed Lawyer and Pi player model sorting.
- Fixed certain viewmodels not hiding the arms model on holster.
- Decreased soft collisions force and radius.
- Tweaked bullet forces.
- Fixed zombie ragdolls not being affected by bullet force properly.
- Spectator target name with non-ascii characters should no longer display weird text.
- Fixed player's reserve weapons casting shadows.
- Removed old unused assets that weren't suppose to be there in the first place.
- Center our options menu when opening.
- Fixed game_player_equip firing on ZM.
- 'viewmodel_fov' is no longer flagged as a cheat command.
- 'cl_drawhud' is no longer flagged as a cheat command.
- Fixed melee weapons not being able to have a crosshair.
- Removed spec_goto-command. Use "setpos" instead.

- Weapons have empty-activities (idle, draw, etc.) that will play when present.
- Weapons have animation events to fill their clip and "finish the reload time" when present. (Example:
- Zombie models have proper mass

- Added env_fog_controller_zm
- prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod is back
- Brought back ai_relationship, prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod to fgd

- Fixed zombies being able to block moveables.
- Fixed zombies moving weird on slopes.
- Fixed zombies moving slower on slopes.
- Fixed func_brush NPC exclude not working properly.
- Fixed slanted walls pushing npcs through the ground.
- Fixed npc ground bobbing.
- Banshee nav jumps now maintains its velocity even when hitting walls.
- Changed none->player relationship to hate (fixes a certain map finale)
- Adjusted explosive barrel fire damage timings. (Devil Mudger)
- Fixed invisible old style menus.
- Fixed throwable crosshair.
- Fixed default crosshair colors.
- Fixed melee weapons sometimes causing no damage.
- Fixed being unable to zoom in or out with a rifle while reloading.
- Fixed zombie performance degrading after a few days of server upkeep.
- Fixed certain func_brush-entities being solid to zombies.
- Changed default zombie step height to 17.
- With player collisions on, players can now walk through one another if they find themselves stuck.
Zombie resources offset
Changelog (2021/06/12)
Beta 3

- Multiplayer friendly zombie animations (drastic network optimizations)
- Clientside zombie hit detection
- Survivor voice menu
- Soft collisions for survivors and zombies
- ZM picking priority is now saved across maps and player reconnects

- Increased shotgun damage slightly
- Implemented missing immolator aoe burn damage
- Sped up revolver reload
- Drain & recharge flashlight at the same rate but also faster
- Decreased max shambler swat force (should be closer to 1.2.1 deadliness)

- Optionally play sound + flash taskbar whenever round restarts
- Players can now tune their ZM movement speed, acceleration, etc. (zm_cl_zmmove*)
- NPC updates are now balanced across all frames
- Servers are able to add custom player models
- Slightly easier reload cancelation
- Bunnyhopping is now capped
- Drifter halloween themed hat
- Default player model is now random
- Tweaked target id hud
- Tweaked crosshairs
- Tweaked zombie pathing to get stuck less
- Tweaked how zombie footsteps are played
- Fixed crouching prediction errors
- Fixed & tweaked voting hud
- Fixed various memory leaks
- Fixed a client crash
- Fixed weapon crosshair not being loaded at all if custom version failed to load
- Fixed spectator target name not updating on team change
- Fixed some UI elements not sorting properly
- Fixed & tweaked banshee animations after leaping
- Fixed some player model keyvalues (in zmplayermodels.txt) not working
- Fixed player base velocity carrying over to next round (poor Muob)
- Fixed zombies chasing an enemy a bit too stubbornly
- Fixed zombies getting stuck on certain surfaces
- Fixed & tweaked zombie enemy knowledge (being unaware of a survivor behind it)
- Fixed entities not getting transmitted properly when spectating a zombie in chase
- Fixed on fire effect carrying over to spectator team
- Fixed second reload sound when canceling
- Fixed & disabled spectator igniting completely
- Fixed not being able to select orbs through transparent surfaces
- Fixed hidden ZM orbs blocking visible ones from selection
- Fixed shamblers trying to swat through walls & tweaked swatting overall
- Fixed interpolation causing invalid numbers (model "vibrating" crash) (for real this time, I swear on me mum)
- Fixed immolator death crash (Hotfix)
- Fixed zombies not being able to move on lifts (Hotfix)
- Fixed missing SetHealth-input (Hotfix)
- Fixed footsteps being played in air (Hotfix)
- Fixed zombie attack crash (Hotfix)
- Fixed banshee sometimes not being able to leap jump (Hotfix)
- Fixed banshee sometimes getting stuck when leap attacking (Hotfix)
- Fixed zombie spawn toggling (Hotfix)

- Added missing lights.rad with default HL2 lights
Installing & running the mod
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