You are a DS scrub because... DSSCRUBS
You are a DS scrub because... DSSCRUBS
31 mei 2016
OVER You are a DS scrub because...

You are a DS scrub because...

... you resummon your friends when they get killed by that one invader. How dare he try to spank your gank.

... you and your summoned friends hug the bonfire and wait to gang up on the invader. Screw taking chances, he might be a PvP god, better hang back and stunlock him together.

... you ALT+F4 when someone invades you. Your ego is so sensitive you can't handle a defeat and you know you have no chance of winning. You would rather take your chances with the softban.

... you decided to use a katana and spam running attacks. You don't care about style because you have none, and the weeaboo in you gets a massive boner just by looking at it.

... you went for whatever "meta" you saw on Youtube. Screw being creative, better stick to the tried and true OP broken hitbox no skill required Dark Sword/Estoc. Oh yeah, better get the Blade of the Darkmoon buff. Oroboro uses that, he knows what he is doing.

... you decided ganks are still unfair for you as the ganker so you brought your high lvl friends through the password system. Swarm every invader as they spawn in, because if they get a chance to group up, despite all your advantages, you might still loose. Better safe than sorry.

... you feel generous towards invaders and want to offer them a fair 1v1 fight. Against your lvl 250 password summoned friend who can use all weapons and spells in the game. If they decided for a certain build to do invasions with they should get a chance to fight all possible builds. All at once, that is.

... you do everything in your power to be crowned the parry king we all need. Every attack that is not a riposte is for the weak and everyone should either parry or git gud.

... you hide behind the fog gate in the boss room. There's scary invaders outside but you can't beat the boss by yourself either. You wait them out or try to summon phantoms and then back up to safety, because fighting and hoping to win is out of the question.

... you actually cheated/glitched/hacked. Either your complete lack of gaming skills or some form of social deranjement made you do it. I can't think of anything sarcastic to say about that, that's... just sad.
Dark Souls 1 - Global Restart Day! - Be there!
226 opmerkingen
Fairfy 3 mrt 2020 om 9:59 
требуется помощь на колоколе
Peonicle 25 apr 2018 om 21:00 
op a faggot
Unaided 8 mrt 2018 om 15:28 
I was invited for being a scrub (I'll admit that) but I've stopped and want to send scrubs here
💀 Sweaty Casual 💀 23 jul 2017 om 17:39 
Got invited by a (wholesomememes) invader for using a sl23 quality build with an uninfused +1 flamberge in crucifxion woods, I'm not even mad :praisesun:
Airdoor 22 jul 2017 om 5:35 
Sariell 30 jun 2017 om 9:07 
It totally is, and you got to witness this group's power first hand. If you read the description, it is meant to be an anti-scrub group, yet it was a scrub who invited you. Quite the paradox, right?
31 mei 2016