walao samong walao samong
walao samong walao samong
2011 年 7 月 9 日
关于 walao samong

fucking stupid retard idiotic incompetent mongloids

professional l4d2 superstars

Reasons for Yukari's disappearance:
- Fed into the Large Hadron Collider, was broken down into his elementary particles.
- His pajamas turned into helium and he got stuck on the ceiling.
- He's made of antimatter and exploded in the presence of a wayward proton.
- Challenged his wife to a sandwich eating competition and ended up in hospital.
- Returned to Mother Russia to help fight off the advancing mutant bear army.
- Accused of punching the Polish president, awaiting extradition.
- Busy inventing the universe so he can finally make that apple pie.
- Has not come out of his room since the death of Amy Winehouse.
- Digging to the centre of the Earth with a diamond shovel to be reunited with the mole-people.
- Featured as a whelk in a David Attenborough documentary, enjoying stardom in Hollywood.
- Lost family potato, all are sad.
- Became a christian missionary to spread the word of our lord.
- Cat-faced himself out of existence.
- Exchange was incinerated by the Pomosh Asteroid
- The Christmas pudding exploded when he lit the brandy butter.
- Mistaken for krill by an inquistive blue whale.
- Hiding in basement after he mistook the European debt crisis for the apocalypse.
- Rehearsing for his role as the sibyl in the upcoming stage production of "I, Claudius"
- Uninstalled steam after missing 6 shotgun shots in mge.
- Shrunk in the wash and can no longer reach the keyboard.
- Has gone broke after he parked his battleship outside Mayfair.
- Encased himself in lead after receiving an assassination threat.
- Expressed his love of Fallout by placing explosive collar on girl in Mosman.
- Starting up the "Let's Tilt Africa!" campaign to solve the famine in Somalia.
- Crossed the border into Iran then Heran then Sheran.
- In America after Universal Studios expressed interest in his screenplay "Joan of Arc versus the Flying Saucers"
- Insipring children to eat their vegetables with a travelling vaudeville cabaret.
- Off to find the expensive queen bean after he promised his bean-counter vast royalties.
- Taking part in an extreme ironing competition on the back of a saltwater crocodile.
- Shot after he was mistaken for Dr Frank-N-Furter by a fundamentalist christian redneck.
- Incarcerated after walking outside in his wifes salmon pantsuit.
- Had to sacrifice baby to appease beelzebub.
- Adopted an african child whom he lovingly calls "Little Blacky".
- Ha-Ha! Body in a woodchipper!
- Overloaded from autism, brain asplode.
- Convinced that the CIA is living under his basement, afraid to exit bedroom.
- Recently discovered the Higgs Boson and is preparing to unveil it from behind a 5 dimensional purple corduroy curtain.
- Has been subsumed by a tidal wave of meal worms.
- Caused world-wide concern after it was found that f '' (yukari) was > 0
- Dissolved in the rain like a giant Berroca.
- Became trapped in a genie bottle and now resides on a bed of throw pillows.
- Hair exploded in the Darwin humidity.

everybody samong-along
Im pissed
25 条留言
Seaweed Chex 2012 年 6 月 11 日 上午 6:10 
I wish i had more space to write conspiracy theories to fill the yukari shaped hole in my mumble experience.
Seaweed Chex 2012 年 3 月 14 日 上午 4:35 
This just in! Yukari has returned much to the chagrin of the squareheads who gotta move!
shing02chul 2011 年 10 月 2 日 下午 6:22 
Guitar hero has returned
Из последних сил 2011 年 8 月 3 日 上午 7:25 
Reasons for Yukari's disappearance:

- Lost family potato, all are sad.

I love you guys.
aftershave and cigarettes 2011 年 7 月 31 日 上午 6:26 
Hellbelvery. Carrying is hard with this lot.
Seaweed Chex 2011 年 7 月 12 日 上午 4:06 
be at one with samong, just adjacent to pomosh, in the foothills of the mountains of madness
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2011 年 7 月 9 日