walao samong walao samong
walao samong walao samong
게임 중
2011년 7월 9일
walao samong 정보

fucking stupid retard idiotic incompetent mongloids

professional l4d2 superstars

Reasons for Yukari's disappearance:
- Fed into the Large Hadron Collider, was broken down into his elementary particles.
- His pajamas turned into helium and he got stuck on the ceiling.
- He's made of antimatter and exploded in the presence of a wayward proton.
- Challenged his wife to a sandwich eating competition and ended up in hospital.
- Returned to Mother Russia to help fight off the advancing mutant bear army.
- Accused of punching the Polish president, awaiting extradition.
- Busy inventing the universe so he can finally make that apple pie.
- Has not come out of his room since the death of Amy Winehouse.
- Digging to the centre of the Earth with a diamond shovel to be reunited with the mole-people.
- Featured as a whelk in a David Attenborough documentary, enjoying stardom in Hollywood.
- Lost family potato, all are sad.
- Became a christian missionary to spread the word of our lord.
- Cat-faced himself out of existence.
- Exchange was incinerated by the Pomosh Asteroid
- The Christmas pudding exploded when he lit the brandy butter.
- Mistaken for krill by an inquistive blue whale.
- Hiding in basement after he mistook the European debt crisis for the apocalypse.
- Rehearsing for his role as the sibyl in the upcoming stage production of "I, Claudius"
- Uninstalled steam after missing 6 shotgun shots in mge.
- Shrunk in the wash and can no longer reach the keyboard.
- Has gone broke after he parked his battleship outside Mayfair.
- Encased himself in lead after receiving an assassination threat.
- Expressed his love of Fallout by placing explosive collar on girl in Mosman.
- Starting up the "Let's Tilt Africa!" campaign to solve the famine in Somalia.
- Crossed the border into Iran then Heran then Sheran.
- In America after Universal Studios expressed interest in his screenplay "Joan of Arc versus the Flying Saucers"
- Insipring children to eat their vegetables with a travelling vaudeville cabaret.
- Off to find the expensive queen bean after he promised his bean-counter vast royalties.
- Taking part in an extreme ironing competition on the back of a saltwater crocodile.
- Shot after he was mistaken for Dr Frank-N-Furter by a fundamentalist christian redneck.
- Incarcerated after walking outside in his wifes salmon pantsuit.
- Had to sacrifice baby to appease beelzebub.
- Adopted an african child whom he lovingly calls "Little Blacky".
- Ha-Ha! Body in a woodchipper!
- Overloaded from autism, brain asplode.
- Convinced that the CIA is living under his basement, afraid to exit bedroom.
- Recently discovered the Higgs Boson and is preparing to unveil it from behind a 5 dimensional purple corduroy curtain.
- Has been subsumed by a tidal wave of meal worms.
- Caused world-wide concern after it was found that f '' (yukari) was > 0
- Dissolved in the rain like a giant Berroca.
- Became trapped in a genie bottle and now resides on a bed of throw pillows.
- Hair exploded in the Darwin humidity.

everybody samong-along
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Im pissed
댓글 25
Seaweed Chex 2012년 6월 11일 오전 6시 10분 
I wish i had more space to write conspiracy theories to fill the yukari shaped hole in my mumble experience.
Seaweed Chex 2012년 3월 14일 오전 4시 35분 
This just in! Yukari has returned much to the chagrin of the squareheads who gotta move!
shing02chul 2011년 10월 2일 오후 6시 22분 
Guitar hero has returned
Из последних сил 2011년 8월 3일 오전 7시 25분 
Reasons for Yukari's disappearance:

- Lost family potato, all are sad.

I love you guys.
aftershave and cigarettes 2011년 7월 31일 오전 6시 26분 
Hellbelvery. Carrying is hard with this lot.
Seaweed Chex 2011년 7월 12일 오전 4시 06분 
be at one with samong, just adjacent to pomosh, in the foothills of the mountains of madness
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2011년 7월 9일